Kansas 501(c)(3) Lookup

Kansas has more than 18,000 nonprofit organizations, and the most common types focus on educational or religious missions. Stormont Vail Foundation, The Signatry, and AdventHealth Shawnee Mission are among the state’s largest 501c3 nonprofits.

Interested in finding which organizations in Kansas are 501c3s? Use our nonprofit lookup tool to search nonprofit organizations and see if the charity you are looking for has 501c3 status.

501c3 organizations are nonprofit corporations that meet specific IRS criteria. Donations to a 501c3 are usually tax-exempt. Use our 501c3 lookup table to find out whether or not an organization has 501c3 status.

501(c)(3) Lookup for Kansas

Kansas Nonprofits

Nonprofits that focus on learning disabilities, veterans aid and resources, and the preservation of the environment are common in Kansas. Below are three well-regarded nonprofits that address these issues within the state.

Phillips Fundamental Learning Center

Since opening in 2001, the Phillips Fundamental Learning Center has provided assistance to dyslexic children in Wichita, Kan. Dyslexia affects one in five Americans and can be debilitating without proper assistance and support. In addition to helping children grow up to be confident readers, this nonprofit also offers training for parents and educators so they can properly assist young people afflicted with dyslexia. The Phillips Fundamental Learning Center also provides private schooling for children who need more involved or intensive assistance through its Rolph Literacy Academy. This donation-funded school serves classes of 60 during the academic year with attentive lessons and curricula designed to help them overcome dyslexia.

National Gulf War Resource Center

Soldiers returning from war and active combat can face many struggles, including conditions and wounds that develop over time. Those who served in the Gulf War may suffer from a condition called Gulf War Illness (GWI) or Gulf War Syndrome, which includes muscle aches, joint pain, dizziness, insomnia, headaches, fatigue, and memory lapses. Because many people may overlook GWI or view it as a myth, the National Gulf War Resource Center raises awareness for it through programs and free educational resources. This nonprofit has been key in getting medical professionals to recognize GWI and establishing rights and benefits for soldiers who served in the Gulf War.

Kansas Association for Conservation & Environmental Education

The Kansas Association for Conservation & Environmental Education (KACEE) not only believes society must address climate change and environmental concerns, but also that teaching people about what’s going on is the best way to ensure they understand these issues. Founded in 1975, it offers free resources and programs to schools and individuals to make it easy to learn how to help the environment. KACEE works with hundreds of educational institutions across Kansas, providing teachers with lesson plans and other materials to help them educate their students. It also develops programs that get communities involved with cleaning and making the environment more sustainable so people can enjoy it for years to come.