New York 501(c)(3) Lookup

The state of New York has more than 118,000 nonprofit organizations — many of which are religious organizations or foundations. Healthfirst, New York University, and NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital are among the state’s largest 501c3 nonprofits.

Interested in finding which organizations in New York are 501c3s? Use our nonprofit lookup tool to search nonprofit organizations and see if the charity you are looking for has 501c3 status.

501c3 organizations are nonprofit corporations that meet specific IRS criteria. Donations to a 501c3 are usually tax-exempt. Use our 501c3 lookup table to find out whether or not an organization has 501c3 status.

501(c)(3) Lookup for New York

New York Nonprofits

New York has many nonprofits focused on LGBTQIA+ rights, international aid, and disease-specific research. Below, you’ll find three nonprofits operating within the state that address these issues.

Family Equality

This nonprofit believes everyone has the right to raise a family regardless of their orientation or gender. Because LGBTQIA+ individuals may face discrimination during the adoption process or other barriers when trying to form a family, Family Equality works to combat this unfortunate reality. It actively tracks legislation regarding LGBTQIA+ individuals and familial protections to arm the public with information and showcase any possible discrimination within existing laws or bills. If you’re an LGBTQIA+ person looking to start a family — or know someone who is — and have concerns about your rights and freedoms, Family Equality can provide the information and support you need to help you achieve this goal.

High Atlas Foundation

Founded by former Peace Corps volunteers in 2000, the High Atlas Foundation helps residents of Morocco struggling to make ends meet. Many small communities within the country suffer from poverty and a lack of clean, sustainable water, which leads to hundreds of unnecessary deaths every year. This nonprofit helps rural Moroccan villages with sustainable agricultural projects, waste management programs, wells for clean drinking water, the creation of new homes and shelters focused on environmental management, and educational programs that promote the empowerment of women in the community. Recognized by the United Nations Economic and Social Council, the High Atlas Foundation’s efforts have earned it consultative status since 2011.

Huntington’s Disease Society of America

Huntington’s disease is a hereditary brain disease that can cause many different problems. Currently, there’s no cure despite the more than 41,000 people who suffer from it and the approximately 200,000 people at risk of inheriting the disease. This nonprofit works to support and comfort families affected by Huntington’s disease. As new research comes out, it makes the information readily available for free to educate the public. It also conducts annual fundraisers to help fund new research projects to find more lasting treatment options and, hopefully, a cure.