Last Updated: May 23, 2024, 8:04 am by TRUiC Team

Nevada Business License

You can obtain a Nevada business license online, by mail, by fax, or in person.

We provide the information and resources you'll need to get federal, state, and local licenses and permits for your small business, including the seller’s permit.

Recommended: LegalZoom will do all the necessary legwork to find the exact local, county, state, and federal licenses that your business requires to stay compliant. Start Now with packages starting at $99.

Woman holding open sign after getting her business license

How to Get a Business License in NV

You can get a business license online, by mail, by fax, or in person by applying with the correct licensing or regulatory agency for your business.

Business licensing requirements generally depend on your business’s activity and location (zoning requirements).

There are three main licensing jurisdictions:

  • State
  • Local
  • Federal

State of Nevada Business Licensing

State Business License

Nevada requires businesses, with some exceptions, to have a state business license.

Some business structures like nonprofit corporations are automatically exempt from obtaining a business license. Others, such as home-based businesses that make less than two-thirds of the average annual wage, must initially submit a business license form and state their reason for exemption without paying a fee.

You can get a Nevada business license when registering your business through the state’s SilverFlume website.

Sales Tax Permit

Another state-level permit or license in Nevada is the sales tax permit, also called a seller’s permit

You must obtain a sales tax permit if you::

  • Are engaged in business in Nevada
  • Intend to sell or lease goods or services that would ordinarily be subject to sales tax if sold at retail.

Visit the Nevada SilverFlume website to obtain a seller’s permit.

Additionally, businesses in certain professions need other specific permits. The Department of Business and Industry provides a list of professions that require additional licensing.

Local Nevada Business Licensing

In Nevada, you may need other licenses or permits from your local government depending on your business activity or location.

For example, the City of Las Vegas requires most businesses, including home-based businesses, to have some sort of city license.

Check with your local town or county government office for more information.

Steps for Obtaining a Business License in Nevada

Nevada Business License

You can register for a Nevada business license online, by mail, in person, or by fax. For corporations, limited liability companies (LLCs), and limited liability partnerships (LLPs), the state business license is part of the Initial List of Officers form that is included in the business registration packet.

Apply for a Nevada Business License

OPTION 1: Apply Online With Nevada SilverFlume

Apply Online

- OR -

OPTION 2: Apply by Mail, by Fax, or in Person

Business Trust
Sole Proprietor or General Partnership

Download for LLC

Fee: $200 (does not include formation fees)

Filing Addresses:
Secretary of State
Commercial Recordings Division
202 North Carson Street
Carson City, NV 89701

Secretary of State
Commercial Recordings Division
North Las Vegas City Hall
2250 Las Vegas Blvd. North, 1st Floor (walk in)
2250 Las Vegas Blvd. North, Suite 400 (mailing address)
North Las Vegas, NV 89030

Fax: (775) 684-5725

Nevada Sales Tax Permit

Apply for a Nevada Sales Tax Permit

OPTION 1: Apply Online With Nevada SilverFlume

Apply Online

- OR -

OPTION 2: Apply by Mail

Download Form

Fee: None

Mailing Addresses:
555 E. Washington Ave.
Suite 1300
Las Vegas, NV 89101

4600 Kietzke Lane
Building L, Suite 235
Reno, NV 89502.

1550 College Parkway
Suite 115
Carson City, NV 89706


Nevada state business licenses must be renewed each year. This can be done online through the SilverFlume website or by submitting a hard copy of the Annual or Amended List and State Business License Application by mail.

You do not need to renew your Nevada sales tax permit. Check with the relevant state or local government office for renewal requirements for any other business license you may have.

Federal Business Licenses and Permits

You can get a business license by applying with the correct licensing and regulatory agency for your business. Business licensing requirements depend on your business’s activity and location (zoning requirements).

If your business conducts activities that are regulated by the federal government, you will need to apply for the appropriate business license or permit.

Choose a business activity below to learn how to apply:

Alcoholic beverages
Firearms, ammunition, and explosives
Fish and wildlife
Commercial fisheries
Maritime transportation
Nuclear energy
Radio and television broadcasting
Transportation and logistics

Visit our review of the best licensing service providers to learn more about the different professional services that can help you research and apply for business licenses and permits.

LegalZoom offers ongoing legal support and an affordable package to help you quickly apply for all the licenses required to legally operate your business. 

NV Business License FAQ

Who needs a Nevada business license?

Most businesses in Nevada need some type of license or permit, whether it be the state business license, sales tax permit, or local license.

What is a seller’s permit?

A seller’s permit in Nevada is the common name for a license or permit that allows you to sell products or services. In Nevada, this is called a sales tax permit.

How much does a Nevada business license cost?

A Nevada business license has a $200 registration fee. There is no fee for a sales tax permit. The cost of other licenses varies.

How do I get a Nevada business license?

You can get a Nevada business license and sales tax permit online through the state’s SilverFlume website or by mail. The processes for obtaining other licenses vary.

Do I have to renew my Nevada business license?

Nevada state business licenses must be renewed each year. This can be done online through the SilverFlume website or by mail. You do not need to renew your Nevada sales tax permit.

Check with the relevant state or local government office for renewal requirements for any other business license you may have.

Quick Links

Nevada SilverFlume Business Portal
Nevada Business Forms
State and Local Licensing Office Directory