New Jersey Business License
You can obtain a New Jersey business license online in just a few steps.
We provide the resources and information needed to get federal, state, and local licenses and permits for your business, including the state business license, called a seller’s permit or sales tax certificate.
Recommended: LegalZoom will do all the necessary legwork to find the exact local, county, state, and federal licenses that your business requires to stay compliant. Start Now with packages starting at $99.
How to Get a Business License in NJ
You can get a New Jersey business license online by applying with the correct licensing or regulatory agency for your business.
Business licensing requirements tend to be dependent on your business’s activity and location (zoning requirements).
There are three main licensing jurisdictions:
- State
- Local
- Federal
State of New Jersey Business Licensing
All businesses (limited liability companies, corporations, etc.) must register to receive a New Jersey Business Registration Certificate. During this registration process, businesses indicate if they are subject to paying state sales tax. If they pay sales tax, they will need a Certificate of Authority, also called a seller’s permit.
You must obtain a Certificate of Authority if you:
Are engaged in business in New Jersey
Intend to sell or lease taxable goods or services.
Visit the Department of Treasury New Jersey Division of Revenue and Enterprise Services to obtain a Business Registration Certificate and a Certificate of Authority.
Additionally, businesses in certain professions need separate licenses as well. The state’s Licensing and Certification Guide provides more information about which professions need special licenses.
Steps for Obtaining a Business License in New Jersey
New Jersey Business Registration Certificate and Certificate of Authority
You can register for a New Jersey Business Registration Certificate and Certificate of Authority online with the Division of Revenue and Enterprise Services website. You will need your state business ID number you received when forming the company as well as your federal EIN number. For help contact the New Jersey State Board of Licensing.
Apply for a New Jersey Business Registration Certificate and Certificate of Authority
Apply Online With the New Jersey Division of Revenue and Enterprise Services
Fee: None
Other New Jersey Business Licenses
The processes for obtaining other New Jersey business licenses vary. Check the state’s Licensing and Certification Guide and contact your local New Jersey county or municipal government office for more information.
Your New Jersey Business Registration Certificate and Certificate of Authority do not need to be renewed. For renewal requirements for other licenses you may have, check the state’s Licensing and Certification Guide and contact your local New Jersey county or municipal government office.
Local New Jersey Business Licensing
In New Jersey, you may need other licenses or permits from your local government, or county clerk’s office depending on your business activity or location.
For example, the City of Newark doesn’t have a general business license, but it requires a number of different types of businesses to acquire a special license at the local level.
Contact your local New Jersey county or municipal government office for more information. We also advise you to speak to a lawyer or accountant for legal or tax advice.
Federal Business Licenses and Permits
You can get a business license by applying with the correct licensing and regulatory agency for your business. Business licensing requirements depend on your business’s activity and location (zoning requirements).
If your business conducts activities that are regulated by the federal government, you will need to apply for the appropriate business license or permit.
Choose a business activity below to learn how to apply:
Alcoholic beverages
Firearms, ammunition, and explosives
Fish and wildlife
Commercial fisheries
Maritime transportation
Nuclear energy
Radio and television broadcasting
Transportation and logistics
Visit our review of the best licensing service providers to learn more about the different professional services that can help you research and apply for business licenses and permits.
LegalZoom offers ongoing legal support and an affordable package to help you quickly apply for all the licenses required to legally operate your business.
NJ Business License FAQ
What is a business license?
A business license is a permit issued by a government agency that allows an individual or organization to operate a business within a particular jurisdiction. It grants permission from the government for an entity to conduct business and may involve collecting taxes, depending on the type of business and its location. All businesses must comply with certain laws and regulations, which vary by state and even by locality.
What are the types of business licenses?
There are many types of business licenses. These include licenses at the local, state, and federal levels, licenses related to sales tax and other taxes, and specific licenses for various professions. There are also environmental licenses, zoning permits, and more.
Is there a national business license?
The short answer is no, there is not one single national business license. Each state has its own regulations which require businesses operating within their borders to be licensed with them before they can open for business. The US Small Business Administration advises that in order to do interstate commerce, you will need to contact each state individually and obtain permission from them as well as local governments in order to do so legally.
Some industries, including broadcasting, investment advising, and drug manufacturing, do have federal regulations and licenses.
Is an EIN the same as a business license?
No, an EIN is not the same as a business license. An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is a nine-digit number that is used to identify and track businesses for tax purposes. It functions like a Social Security number for businesses, and it’s issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Having an EIN allows organizations to open bank accounts, hire employees, and file tax returns.
On the other hand, a business license is granted by state or local governments. It’s required before a company can legally operate within its jurisdiction. Depending on the type of organization and its activities, some businesses may need more than one kind of license—like health department permits if they are operating in food service or construction permits if they are building structures. A business must comply with all applicable laws in order to maintain its licenses in good standing.
Is an LLC considered a business license?
No. An LLC is a type of business structure. While you are required to register as an LLC, it is not a business license.
Who needs a New Jersey business license?
Every business needs a New Jersey business registration certificate, and any business that sells taxable goods or services needs a certificate of authority. Businesses in certain professions or locations may need other licenses.
What licenses do I need to open a business in New Jersey?
You will at least need a business registration certificate. Many businesses need a certificate of authority, and businesses in certain professions or locations may need other licenses.
What is a seller’s permit?
A seller’s permit is the common name for a license or permit that allows you to sell products or services. In New Jersey, this is called a Certificate of Authority.
How much does a New Jersey business license cost?
There is no fee for a New Jersey business registration certificate or a certificate of authority. The cost of other licenses varies.
How do I get a New Jersey business license?
You can register for a New Jersey business registration certificate and certificate of authority online with the Division of Revenue and Enterprise Services website. The process for obtaining other licenses varies.
Do I have to renew my New Jersey business license?
Your New Jersey business registration certificate and certificate of authority do not need to be renewed. For renewal requirements for other licenses you may have, check the state’s Licensing and Certification Guide and contact your local New Jersey county or municipal government office.