Last Updated: June 3, 2024, 9:49 am by TRUiC Team

Understanding California LLC Laws

The rules for starting and running a California limited liability company (LLC) are laid out by California's LLC laws

In this guide, we offer simple explanations to California LLC laws about:

To learn more about starting an LLC, visit our form an LLC guide.

The U.S. capitol building.

California LLC Statutory Regulations

California LLC laws set out the requirements for forming an LLC. The State of California has created the Secretary of State online LLC portal and PDF Articles of Organization form to simplify the process.

California LLC Formation Statute

The following LLC formation laws are from Articles 1 and 2 of the California Revised Uniform Limited Liability Company Act:

ARTICLE 2. Formation: Articles of Organization and Other Filings

Section 17702.01.

(a) One or more persons may act as organizers to form a limited liability company by signing and delivering to the Secretary of State for filing articles of organization on a form prescribed by the Secretary of State.

(b) The articles of organization shall state all of the following:

(1) A statement that the purpose of the limited liability company is to engage in any lawful act or activity for which a limited liability company may be organized under this title.

(2) The name of the limited liability company, which shall comply with Section 17701.08.

(3) The street address of the initial designated office and the mailing address of the limited liability company if different from the street address of the initial designated office.

(4) The name and street address of the initial agent for service of process of the limited liability company who meets the qualifications specified in subdivision (c) of Section 17701.13. If a corporate agent is designated, only the name of the agent shall be set forth.

(5) If the limited liability company is to be manager-managed, the articles of organization shall contain a statement to that effect.

(6) If the limited liability company is to be managed by only one manager, the articles of organization shall contain a statement to that effect.

(c) Subject to subdivision (c) of Section 17701.12, articles of organization may also contain any other provision not inconsistent with law other than those provisions required by subdivision (b).

(d) A limited liability company is formed when the Secretary of State has filed the articles of organization.

(e) Except in a proceeding by this state to dissolve a limited liability company, the filing of the articles of organization by the Secretary of State is conclusive proof that the organizer satisfied all conditions to the formation of a limited liability company.

(f) The Secretary of State may cancel the filing of the articles of organization if a check or other remittance accepted in payment of the filing fee is not paid upon presentation. Upon receiving written notification that the item presented for payment has not been honored for payment, the Secretary of State shall give a first written notice of the applicability of this subdivision to the agent for service of process or to the person submitting the instrument. Thereafter, if the amount has not been paid by cashier’s check or equivalent, the Secretary of State shall give a second written notice of cancellation and the cancellation shall thereupon be effective. The second notice shall be given 20 days or more after the first notice, and 90 days or less after the original filing.

(g) The Secretary of State shall include with the instructional materials, provided in conjunction with the form for filing the articles of organization under subdivision (a), a notice that filing the registration will obligate the limited liability company to pay an annual tax for that taxable year to the Franchise Tax Board pursuant to Section 17941 of the Revenue and Taxation Code. That notice shall be updated annually to specify the dollar amount of the tax.

(Added by Stats. 2012, Ch. 419, Sec. 20. (SB 323) Effective January 1, 2013. Operative January 1, 2014, by Sec. 32 of Ch. 419.)

Section 17702.02.

(a) The articles of organization may be amended or restated at any time.

(b) To amend its articles of organization, a limited liability company shall deliver to the Secretary of State a certificate of amendment, on a form prescribed by the Secretary of State for filing, stating all of the following:

(1) The present name of the limited liability company.

(2) The Secretary of State’s file number for the limited liability company.

(3) The changes the amendment makes to the articles of organization as most recently amended or restated.

(c) To restate its articles of organization, a limited liability company shall deliver to the Secretary of State for filing, on a form prescribed by the Secretary of State entitled “Restated Articles of Organization,” stating, as applicable, the following:

(1) The present name of the limited liability company and the Secretary of State’s file number for the limited liability company.

(2) The entire text of the articles of organization as amended to the date of filing, except that if the limited liability company has filed a statement of information under Section 17702.09, the initial street address, the initial mailing address, and the name and address of the initial agent for service of process shall not be set forth.

(d) Subject to subdivision (c) of Section 17701.12 and subdivision (c) of Section 17702.05, an amendment to or restatement of the articles of organization is effective when filed by the Secretary of State and shall be duly executed by at least one manager of a manager-managed limited liability company or at least one member of a member-managed limited liability company unless a greater number is provided in the articles of organization.

(e) If a member of a member-managed limited liability company, or a manager of a manager-managed limited liability company, knows that any information in filed articles of organization was inaccurate when the articles were filed or has become inaccurate owing to changed circumstances, the member or manager shall promptly do the following:

(1) Cause the articles to be amended.

(2) If appropriate, deliver to the Secretary of State for filing a statement of information under Section 17701.14 or a certificate of correction under Section 17702.06.

(f) A limited liability company shall not amend its articles of organization pursuant to subdivision (b) or restate its articles of organization pursuant to subdivision (c) in order to change its designated office, its mailing address, its agent for service of process, or the address of its agent for service of process. To change that information, the limited liability company shall deliver to the Secretary of State for filing a statement of information under Section 17701.14.

(Amended by Stats. 2014, Ch. 834, Sec. 40. (SB 1041) Effective January 1, 2015.)

Section 17702.03.

(a) A record delivered to the Secretary of State for filing pursuant to this title shall be signed as follows:

(1) Except as otherwise expressly provided in this title and in this subdivision, a record signed on behalf of a limited liability company shall be signed by a person authorized by the limited liability company.

(2) A limited liability company’s initial articles of organization shall be signed by at least one person acting as an organizer.

(3) A record filed on behalf of a dissolved limited liability company that has no members shall be signed by the person winding up the limited liability company’s activities or a person appointed under Section 17707.04 to wind up those activities.

(4) A certificate of cancellation under Section 17707.02 shall be signed by each organizer that signed the initial articles of organization, but a personal representative of a deceased or incompetent organizer may sign in the place of the decedent or incompetent.

(5) A certificate of cancellation under Section 17707.08 shall be signed in accordance with paragraph (1) of subdivision (b) of Section 17707.08.

(6) A certificate of correction shall be executed in the same manner in which the record being corrected was required to be executed.

(b) Except as otherwise expressly provided in this title and in subdivision (a), any record filed under this title may be signed by an agent.

(c) A limited liability company may record in the office of the county recorder of any county in this state, and county recorders, on request, shall record a certified copy of the limited liability company articles of organization and any exhibit or attachment, or any amendment or correction thereto, that has been filed in the office of the Secretary of State. A foreign limited liability company may record in the office of the county recorder of any county in the state a certified copy of the application for registration of the foreign limited liability company, or any amendment thereto, that has been filed in the office of the Secretary of State. The recording shall create a conclusive presumption in favor of any bona fide purchaser or encumbrancer for value of the limited liability company real property located in the county in which the certified copy has been recorded, of the statements contained therein.

(d) If the Secretary of State determines that an instrument submitted for filing or otherwise submitted does not conform to the law and returns it to the person submitting it, the instrument may be resubmitted accompanied by a written opinion of a member of the State Bar of California submitting the instrument or representing the person submitting it, to the effect that the specific provisions of the instrument objected to by the Secretary of State do conform to law and stating the points and authorities upon which the opinion is based. The Secretary of State shall rely, with respect to any disputed point of law, other than the application of Sections 17701.08, 17701.09, 17708.02, and 17708.03, upon that written opinion in determining whether the instrument conforms to law. The date of filing in that case shall be the date the instrument is received on resubmission.

(Amended by Stats. 2015, Ch. 189, Sec. 7. (AB 1471) Effective January 1, 2016.) 

Section 17702.05.

(a) A record authorized or required to be delivered to the Secretary of State for filing under this title shall be captioned to describe the record’s purpose, be in a medium permitted by the Secretary of State, and be delivered to the Secretary of State. If the filing fees have been paid, unless the Secretary of State determines that a record does not comply with applicable laws, the Secretary of State shall file the record.

(b) Upon request and payment of the requisite fee, the Secretary of State shall send to the requester a certified copy of a requested record.

(c) Except for original articles of organization and except as otherwise provided in Sections 17701.14 and 17702.06, a record delivered to the Secretary of State for filing under this title may specify a delayed effective date. Subject to Section 17702.06, a record filed by the Secretary of State is effective as follows:

(1) If the record does not specify a delayed effective date, on the date the record is filed as evidenced by the Secretary of State’s endorsement of the date on the record.

(2) If the record specifies a delayed effective date, on the date specified in the record. A delayed effective date specified in the record shall not be more than 90 days after the date the record is filed.

(d) In the case of a delayed effective date, the instrument may be prevented from becoming effective by a certificate stating that by appropriate action it has been revoked and is null and void. This certificate shall be executed in the same manner as the original instrument and shall be filed before the delayed effective date.

(e) In the case of a merger agreement or certificate of merger, a certificate revoking the earlier filing need only be executed on behalf of one of the constituent parties to the merger. If no revocation certificate is filed, the instrument becomes effective on the date specified.

(Added by Stats. 2012, Ch. 419, Sec. 20. (SB 323) Effective January 1, 2013. Operative January 1, 2014, by Sec. 32 of Ch. 419.)

Section 17702.06.

(a) A limited liability company or foreign limited liability company may deliver to the Secretary of State for filing a certificate of correction on a form prescribed by the Secretary of State to correct a record previously delivered by the limited liability company or foreign limited liability company to the Secretary of State and filed by the Secretary of State, if at the time of filing the record contained inaccurate information or was defectively signed.

(b) A certificate of correction under subdivision (a) may not state a delayed effective date and shall do all of the following:

(1) State the present name of the limited liability company or foreign limited liability company and the Secretary of State’s file number.

(2) Describe the title to the document to be corrected, including its filing date.

(3) Set forth the name of each party to the document to be corrected.

(4) Specify the inaccurate information and the reason it is inaccurate or the manner in which the signing was defective.

(5) Correct the defective signature or inaccurate information.

(c) A certificate of correction shall be executed in the same manner in which the record being corrected was required to be executed.

(d) When filed by the Secretary of State, a certificate of correction under subdivision (a) is effective retroactively as of the effective date of the record the certificate corrects, but the statement is effective when filed as to persons that previously relied on the uncorrected record and would be adversely affected by the retroactive effect.

(Amended by Stats. 2014, Ch. 834, Sec. 42. (SB 1041) Effective January 1, 2015.)

Section 17702.07.

(a) If a record delivered to the Secretary of State for filing under this title and filed by the Secretary of State contains inaccurate information, a person that suffers a loss by reliance on the information may recover damages for the loss from the following:

(1) A person that signed the record, or caused another to sign it on the person’s behalf, and knew the information to be inaccurate at the time the record was signed.

(2) Subject to subdivision (b), a member of a member-managed limited liability company or the manager of a manager-managed limited liability company, if all of the following apply:

(A) The record was delivered for filing on behalf of the limited liability company.

(B) The member or manager had notice of the inaccuracy for a reasonably sufficient time before the information was relied upon so that, before the reliance, the member or manager reasonably could have done all of the following:

(i) Effected an amendment under Section 17702.02.

(ii) Filed a petition under Section 17702.04.

(iii) Delivered to the Secretary of State for filing a statement of information under Section 17701.14 or a certificate of correction under Section 17702.06.

(b) To the extent that the operating agreement of a member-managed limited liability company expressly relieves a member of responsibility for maintaining the accuracy of information contained in records delivered on behalf of the limited liability company to the Secretary of State for filing under this title and imposes that responsibility on one or more other members, the liability stated in paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) applies to those other members and not to the member that the operating agreement relieves of the responsibility.

(c) An individual who signs a record authorized or required to be filed under this title affirms under penalty of perjury that the information stated in the record is accurate.

(Added by Stats. 2012, Ch. 419, Sec. 20. (SB 323) Effective January 1, 2013. Operative January 1, 2014, by Sec. 32 of Ch. 419.)

Section 17702.09.

(a) Every limited liability company and every foreign limited liability company registered to transact intrastate business in this state shall deliver to the Secretary of State for filing within 90 days after the filing of its original articles of organization or registering to transact intrastate business and biennially thereafter during the applicable filing period, on a form prescribed by the Secretary of State, a statement of information containing:

(1) The name of the limited liability company and the Secretary of State’s file number and, in the case of a foreign limited liability company, the name under which the foreign limited liability company is authorized to transact intrastate business in this state and the state or other jurisdiction under the laws of which it is organized.

(2) The name and street address of the agent in this state for service of process required to be maintained pursuant to Section 17701.13. If a corporate agent is designated, only the name of the agent shall be set forth.

(3) The street address of its principal office. In the case of a foreign limited liability company, the street address of its principal business office in this state, if any, and, in the case of a domestic limited liability company, the street address of the office required to be maintained pursuant to Section 17701.13.

(4) The mailing address of the limited liability company or foreign limited liability company, if different from the street address of its principal office, or principal business office in this state, or, in the case of a domestic limited liability company, the street address of the office required to be maintained pursuant to Section 17701.13.

(5) The name and complete business or residence addresses of any manager or managers and the chief executive officer, if any, appointed or elected in accordance with the articles of organization or operating agreement or, if no manager has been so elected or appointed, the name and business or residence address of each member.

(6) If the limited liability company or foreign limited liability company chooses to receive renewal notices and any other notifications from the Secretary of State by electronic mail instead of by United States mail, the limited liability company or foreign limited liability company shall include a valid electronic mail address for the limited liability company or foreign limited liability company, or for the limited liability company’s or foreign limited liability company’s designee to receive those notices.

(7) The general type of business that constitutes the principal business activity or the limited liability company or foreign limited liability company, such as, for example, manufacturer of aircraft, wholesale liquor distributor, or retail department store.

(b) If there has been no change in the information contained in the last filed statement of information of the limited liability company or foreign limited liability company on file in the office of Secretary of State, the limited liability company or foreign limited liability company may, in lieu of filing the statement of information required by subdivision (a), advise the Secretary of State, on a form prescribed by the Secretary of State, that no changes in the required information have occurred during the applicable filing period.

(c) For purposes of this section, the applicable filing period for a limited liability company shall be the calendar month during which its original articles of organization was filed or, in the case of a foreign limited liability company, the month during which its application for registration was filed, and the immediately preceding five calendar months. The Secretary of State shall provide a notice to each limited liability company or foreign limited liability company to comply with this section approximately three months prior to the close of the applicable filing period. The notice shall state the due date for compliance and shall be sent to the last mailing address of the limited liability company or foreign limited liability company according to the records of the Secretary of State, or if none, to the street address of the principal office, or, in the case of a domestic limited liability company, the office required to be maintained pursuant to Section 17701.13, or to the last electronic mail address according to the records of the Secretary of State if the limited liability company or foreign limited liability company has elected to receive notices from the Secretary of State by electronic mail. The failure of the limited liability company or foreign limited liability company to receive the notice shall not exempt the limited liability company or foreign limited liability company from complying with this section.

(d) Whenever any of the information required by subdivision (a) changes, other than the name and address of the agent for service of process, the limited liability company or foreign limited liability company may file a current statement containing all the information required by subdivision (a). When changing its agent for service of process or when the address of the agent changes, the limited liability company or foreign limited liability company shall file a current statement containing all the information required by subdivision (a). Whenever any statement is filed pursuant to this section, that statement supersedes any previously filed statement pursuant to this section, the statement in the original articles of organization, and the statement in any previously filed amended or restated articles of organization that have been filed, or in the case of a foreign limited liability company, in the application for registration.

(e) If a statement of information delivered to the Secretary of State for filing under this section does not contain the information required by subdivision (a), the Secretary of State shall promptly return the statement of information to the reporting limited liability company or foreign limited liability company for correction.

(f) The Secretary of State may destroy or otherwise dispose of any statement filed pursuant to this section after it has been superseded by the filing of a new statement.

(g) (1) This section shall remain in effect only until January 1, 2022, or upon certification by the Secretary of State that California Business Connect is implemented, whichever date is earlier, and as of that date is repealed.

(2) If the Secretary of State certifies California Business Connect is implemented prior to January 1, 2022, the Secretary of State shall post notice of the certification on the homepage of its internet website and send notice of the certification to the Legislative Counsel.

(Amended by Stats. 2020, Ch. 357, Sec. 5. (AB 3075) Effective January 1, 2021. Conditionally repealed on or before January 1, 2022, by its own provisions. See later operative version added by Sec. 6 of Stats. 2020, Ch. 357.)

Section 17702.10.

An instrument shall be deemed filed, and the date of filing endorsed thereon, upon receipt by the Secretary of State of any instrument accompanied by the fee prescribed in Article 3 (commencing with Section 12180) of Chapter 3 of Part 2 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code. The date of filing shall be the date the instrument is received by the Secretary of State unless the instrument provides that it is to be withheld from filing for a period of time not to exceed 90 days or unless, in the judgment of the Secretary of State, the filing is intended to be coordinated with the filing of some other document that cannot be filed. The Secretary of State shall file a document as of any requested future date not more than 90 days after its receipt, including a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, if that document is received in the office of the Secretary of State at least one business day prior to the requested date of filing. Upon receipt and after filing of any document under this title, the Secretary of State may microfilm or reproduce by other techniques any filings or documents and destroy the original filing or document. The microfilm or other reproduction of any document under this section, or corresponding provision under prior law, shall be admissible in any court of law.

(Added by Stats. 2012, Ch. 419, Sec. 20. (SB 323) Effective January 1, 2013. Operative January 1, 2014, by Sec. 32 of Ch. 419.)

ARTICLE 1. General Provisions

Section 17701.08.

(a) The name of a limited liability company shall contain the words “limited liability company,” or the abbreviation “L.L.C.” or “LLC.” “Limited” may be abbreviated as “Ltd.,” and “company” may be abbreviated as “Co.”

(b) The name of a limited liability company shall not be a name that the Secretary of State determines is likely to mislead the public and shall be distinguishable in the records of the Secretary of State from all of the following:

(1) The name of any limited liability company.

(2) The name of any foreign limited liability company authorized to transact intrastate business in this state.

(3) Each name reserved under Section 17701.09.

(c) The use by a limited liability company of a name in violation of this section may be enjoined notwithstanding the filing of its articles by the Secretary of State.

(d) Subject to Section 17708.04, this section applies to a foreign limited liability company transacting intrastate business in this state that has a certificate of registration to transact intrastate business in this state or that has applied for a certificate of registration.

(e) The name shall not include the words “bank,” “trust,” “trustee,” “incorporated,” “inc.,” “corporation,” or “corp.” and shall not include the words “insurer” or “insurance company” or any other words suggesting that it is in the business of issuing policies of insurance and assuming insurance risks.

(Amended by Stats. 2020, Ch. 361, Sec. 14. (SB 522) Effective January 1, 2021.)

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What This Means: Key Takeaways*

The statute provides the requirements for setting up (or forming) an LLC. The State of California offers online and hard copy LLC filing to meet these requirements.

Required Information for California LLC Formation:

  • LLC’s name (Must meet California LLC naming requirements)
  • LLC principal office’s street and mailing address
  • Agent for service of process’s name and California street address
  • The purpose of the LLC
  • Manager name (if there will only be one manager)
  • Payment at the time of submission
  • Signature of the LLC organizer

Other Formation Information: The Articles of Organization can be amended or restated at any time. LLCs can delay their effective date.

Statement of Information: All LLCs must file a Statement of Information within 90 days of the LLC’s effective date and then biennially after that.

LLC filings are public record. Listing members’ and/or managers’ names and addresses will expose private information.

Recommended: For help with completing the LLC formation forms, visit our California LLC Articles of Organization guide.

Registered Agent Duties and Appointment

California LLC laws define the duties and appointment of the LLC registered agent.

California LLC Agent for Service of Process Statute

The following registered agent laws are from Article 1 of the California Uniform Revised Limited Liability Company Act:

ARTICLE 1. General Provisions

Section 17701.13. 

(a) A limited liability company shall designate and continuously maintain in this state both of the following:

(1) An office, which need not be a place of its activity in this state.

(2) An agent for service of process.

(b) A foreign limited liability company that has a certificate of registration under Section 17708.02 shall designate and continuously maintain in this state an agent for service of process.

(c) An agent for service of process of a limited liability company or foreign limited liability company shall be an individual who is a resident of this state or a corporation that has complied with Section 1505 and whose capacity to act as an agent has not terminated. If a limited liability company or foreign limited liability company designates a corporation as its agent for service of process in an instrument filed with the Secretary of State, no address for that agent for service of process shall be set forth in that instrument.

Section 17701.14. 

(a) A limited liability company or foreign limited liability company may change its designated office, its principal office, its agent for service of process, the address of its agent for service of process, its mailing address, or, in the case of a foreign limited liability company, its principal business office in this state by delivering to the Secretary of State for filing a statement of information as set forth in Section 17702.09.

(b) A statement of information is effective when filed by the Secretary of State.

What This Means: Key Takeaways*

A registered agent’s job is to accept service of process (legal summons to a lawsuit). 

A California agent for service of process must:

  • Maintain a registered office in California (i.e., no P.O. boxes)
  • Be an individual, a California corporation or LLC, or foreign corporation or LLC with a business address that is the same as the registered office address that has been approved by the State of California

Agent for service of process information is kept on file by the State of California. If you change your agent for service of process or if your registered agent resigns, you must file a No Fee Statement of Information form.

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Best Registered Agents

Learn how to choose the best registered agent for your LLC.

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Operating Agreements

California LLC laws provide guidelines for creating and maintaining an LLC operating agreement.

The following operating agreement laws are from Article 1 of the California Revised Uniform Limited Liability Company Act:

Section 17701.10.

(a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, the operating agreement governs all of the following:

(1) Relations among the members as members and between the members and the limited liability company.

(2) The rights and duties under this title of a person in the capacity of manager.

(3) The activities of the limited liability company and the conduct of those activities.

(4) The means and conditions for amending the operating agreement.

(b) To the extent the operating agreement does not otherwise provide for a matter described in subdivision (a), this title governs the matter.

(c) In addition to the matters specified in paragraphs (1) to (4), inclusive, of subdivision (d), an operating agreement shall not do any of the following:

(1) Vary a limited liability company’s capacity under Section 17701.05 to sue and be sued in its own name.

(2) Vary the law applicable under Section 17701.06.

(3) Vary the power of the court under Section 17702.04.

(4) Subject to paragraphs (14) and (15) of this subdivision and subdivisions (d) to (g), inclusive, eliminate the duty of loyalty, the duty of care, or any other fiduciary duty.

(5) Subject to subdivisions (d) to (g), inclusive, eliminate the contractual obligation of good faith and fair dealing under subdivision (d) of Section 17704.09, but the operating agreement may prescribe the standards by which the performance of the obligation is to be measured, if the standards are not manifestly unreasonable as determined at the time the standards are prescribed.

(6) Vary the requirements of Section 17701.13 to 17701.16, inclusive, or any provision under Article 8 (commencing with Section 17708.01).

(7) Vary the power of a court to decree dissolution in the circumstances specified in subdivision (a) of Section 17707.03 or the provisions for avoidance of dissolution in subdivision (c) of Section 17707.03.

(8) Except as provided therein, vary the requirements of Article 2 (commencing with Section 17702.01) or Article 7 (commencing with Section 17707.01).

(9) Unreasonably restrict the right of a member to maintain an action under Article 9 (commencing with Section 17709.01).

(10) Restrict the right of a member that will have personal liability with respect to a surviving or converted organization to approve a merger or conversion under Article 10 (commencing with Section 17710.01).

(11) Except as otherwise provided in subdivision (b) of Section 17701.12, restrict the rights under this title of a person other than a member or manager.

(12) Except as provided therein, vary any provision under Article 10 (commencing with Section 17710.01).

(13) Vary any provision under Article 11 (commencing with Section 17711.01), Article 12 (commencing with Section 17712.01), or Article 13 (commencing with Section 17713.01).

(14) Eliminate the duty of loyalty under subdivision (b) of Section 17704.09, but the operating agreement may do any of the following:

(A) Identify specific types or categories of activities that do not violate the duty of loyalty, if not manifestly unreasonable.

(B) Specify the number or percentage of members that may authorize or ratify, after full disclosure to all members of all material facts, a specific act or transaction that otherwise would violate the duty of loyalty.

(15) Unreasonably reduce the duty of care under subdivision (c) of Section 17704.09.

(d) Except as provided in subdivision (c) and subdivisions (e) to (g), inclusive, the effects of the provisions of this title may be varied as among the members or as between the members and the limited liability company by the operating agreement; provided, however, that the provisions of Sections 17701.13, 17703.01, and 17704.08 and subdivisions (f) to (r), inclusive, and (u) to (w), inclusive, of Section 17704.07 shall only be varied by a written operating agreement. Notwithstanding the first sentence of this subdivision and in addition to the matters specified in subdivision (c), the operating agreement shall not do any of the following:

(1) Vary the definitions of Section 17701.02, except as specifically provided therein.

(2) Vary a member’s rights under Section 17704.10.

(3) Vary any of the provisions of this section or Section 17701.12, except as provided therein.

(4) Vary any of the provisions of subdivisions (s) and (t) of Section 17704.07.

(e) The fiduciary duties of a manager to a manager-managed limited liability company and to the members of the limited liability company and of a member to a member-managed limited liability company and to the members of such limited liability company shall only be modified in a written operating agreement with the informed consent of the members. Assenting to the operating agreement pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 17701.11 shall not constitute informed consent.

(f) To the extent the operating agreement of a member-managed limited liability company expressly relieves a member of a responsibility that the member would otherwise have under this title and imposes the responsibility on one or more other members, the operating agreement may, to the benefit of the member that the operating agreement relieves of the responsibility, also eliminate or limit any fiduciary duty that would have pertained to the responsibility.

(g) The operating agreement may alter or eliminate the indemnification for a member or manager provided by subdivision (a) of Section 17704.08 and may eliminate or limit a member or manager’s liability to the limited liability company and members for money damages, except for the following:

(1) Breach of the duty of loyalty.

(2) A financial benefit received by the member or manager to which the member or manager is not entitled.

(3) A member’s liability for excess distributions under Section 17704.06.

(4) Intentional infliction of harm on the limited liability company or a member.

(5) An intentional violation of criminal law.

(Amended by Stats. 2015, Ch. 775, Sec. 2. (AB 506) Effective January 1, 2016.)

Section 17701.11. 

(a) A limited liability company is bound by and may enforce the operating agreement.

(b) A person that becomes a member of a limited liability company is deemed to assent to the operating agreement.

(c) Two or more persons intending to become the initial members of a limited liability company may make an agreement providing that upon the formation of the limited liability company the agreement will become the operating agreement. One person intending to become the initial member of a limited liability company may assent to terms providing that upon the formation of the limited liability company the terms will become the operating agreement.

(Added by Stats. 2012, Ch. 419, Sec. 20. (SB 323) Effective January 1, 2013. Operative January 1, 2014, by Sec. 32 of Ch. 419.)

Section 17701.12. 

(a) An operating agreement may specify that its amendment requires the approval of a person that is not a party to the operating agreement or the satisfaction of a condition. An amendment is ineffective if its adoption does not include the required approval or satisfy the specified condition.

(b) The obligations of a limited liability company and its members to a person in the person’s capacity as a transferee or dissociated member are governed by the operating agreement. Subject only to any court order issued under paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) of Section 17705.03 to effectuate a charging order, an amendment to the operating agreement made after a person becomes a transferee or dissociated member is effective with regard to any debt, obligation, or other liability of the limited liability company or its members to the person in the person’s capacity as a transferee or dissociated member.

(c) If a record that has been delivered by a limited liability company to the Secretary of State for filing and has become effective under this title contains a provision that would be ineffective under Section 17701.10 if contained in the operating agreement, the provision is likewise ineffective in the record.

(d) Subject to subdivision (c), if a record that has been delivered by a limited liability company to the Secretary of State for filing and has become effective under this title conflicts with a provision of the operating agreement both of the following apply:

(1) The operating agreement prevails as to members, dissociated members, transferees, and managers.

(2) The record prevails as to other persons to the extent they reasonably rely on the record.

What This Means: Key Takeaways*

An LLC operating agreement allows LLC members to create rules for how their unique LLC operates. These rules are often called “terms” or “provisions.”

Operating agreements are limited by state statute. For example, if the statute says LLC members can’t dissolve an LLC without all members agreeing, LLC members can’t change or override the statute with an operating agreement.

When an operating agreement is in place, it’s easier to navigate situations involving the operation of the LLC. And, if a lawsuit or dispute arises, LLC members (or the courts) have something to reference.

If a dispute arises that can’t be resolved by LLC members and there isn’t an operating agreement, the courts will use LLC statute to resolve disputes.

Creating an Operating Agreement

Some LLCs, such as professional LLCs or real estate LLCs, might need unique terms, while others might only need to cover standard provisions:

  • Each member’s responsibilities
  • How new members will be admitted
  • How existing members may transfer or terminate their membership
  • How profits and dividends will be distributed
  • The process for amending the operating agreement

Use our free operating agreement template or learn more with our What Is an Operating Agreement guide.

Statement of Information Requirements

California LLC laws set out the requirements for biennial LLC reporting. The State of California has created the Statement of Information online portal and PDF Statement of Information form to simplify the process.

California LLC Statement of Information Statute

The following annual report laws are from the California Revised Uniform Limited Liability Company Act:

Section 17702.09

(a) Every limited liability company and every foreign limited liability company registered to transact intrastate business in this state shall deliver to the Secretary of State for filing within 90 days after the filing of its original articles of organization or registering to transact intrastate business and biennially thereafter during the applicable filing period, on a form prescribed by the Secretary of State, a statement of information containing:

(1) The name of the limited liability company and the Secretary of State’s file number and, in the case of a foreign limited liability company, the name under which the foreign limited liability company is authorized to transact intrastate business in this state and the state or other jurisdiction under the laws of which it is organized.

(2) The name and street address of the agent in this state for service of process required to be maintained pursuant to Section 17701.13. If a corporate agent is designated, only the name of the agent shall be set forth.

(3) The street address of its principal office. In the case of a foreign limited liability company, the street address of its principal business office in this state, if any, and, in the case of a domestic limited liability company, the street address of the office required to be maintained pursuant to Section 17701.13.

(4) The mailing address of the limited liability company or foreign limited liability company, if different from the street address of its principal office, or principal business office in this state, or, in the case of a domestic limited liability company, the street address of the office required to be maintained pursuant to Section 17701.13.

(5) The name and complete business or residence addresses of any manager or managers and the chief executive officer, if any, appointed or elected in accordance with the articles of organization or operating agreement or, if no manager has been so elected or appointed, the name and business or residence address of each member.

(6) If the limited liability company or foreign limited liability company chooses to receive renewal notices and any other notifications from the Secretary of State by electronic mail instead of by United States mail, the limited liability company or foreign limited liability company shall include a valid electronic mail address for the limited liability company or foreign limited liability company, or for the limited liability company’s or foreign limited liability company’s designee to receive those notices.

(7) The general type of business that constitutes the principal business activity or the limited liability company or foreign limited liability company, such as, for example, manufacturer of aircraft, wholesale liquor distributor, or retail department store.

(b) If there has been no change in the information contained in the last filed statement of information of the limited liability company or foreign limited liability company on file in the office of Secretary of State, the limited liability company or foreign limited liability company may, in lieu of filing the statement of information required by subdivision (a), advise the Secretary of State, on a form prescribed by the Secretary of State, that no changes in the required information have occurred during the applicable filing period.

(c) For purposes of this section, the applicable filing period for a limited liability company shall be the calendar month during which its original articles of organization was filed or, in the case of a foreign limited liability company, the month during which its application for registration was filed, and the immediately preceding five calendar months. The Secretary of State shall provide a notice to each limited liability company or foreign limited liability company to comply with this section approximately three months prior to the close of the applicable filing period. The notice shall state the due date for compliance and shall be sent to the last mailing address of the limited liability company or foreign limited liability company according to the records of the Secretary of State, or if none, to the street address of the principal office, or, in the case of a domestic limited liability company, the office required to be maintained pursuant to Section 17701.13, or to the last electronic mail address according to the records of the Secretary of State if the limited liability company or foreign limited liability company has elected to receive notices from the Secretary of State by electronic mail. The failure of the limited liability company or foreign limited liability company to receive the notice shall not exempt the limited liability company or foreign limited liability company from complying with this section.

(d) Whenever any of the information required by subdivision (a) changes, other than the name and address of the agent for service of process, the limited liability company or foreign limited liability company may file a current statement containing all the information required by subdivision (a). When changing its agent for service of process or when the address of the agent changes, the limited liability company or foreign limited liability company shall file a current statement containing all the information required by subdivision (a). Whenever any statement is filed pursuant to this section, that statement supersedes any previously filed statement pursuant to this section, the statement in the original articles of organization, and the statement in any previously filed amended or restated articles of organization that have been filed, or in the case of a foreign limited liability company, in the application for registration.

(e) If a statement of information delivered to the Secretary of State for filing under this section does not contain the information required by subdivision (a), the Secretary of State shall promptly return the statement of information to the reporting limited liability company or foreign limited liability company for correction.

(f) The Secretary of State may destroy or otherwise dispose of any statement filed pursuant to this section after it has been superseded by the filing of a new statement.

(g) (1) This section shall remain in effect only until January 1, 2022, or upon certification by the Secretary of State that California Business Connect is implemented, whichever date is earlier, and as of that date is repealed.

(2) If the Secretary of State certifies California Business Connect is implemented prior to January 1, 2022, the Secretary of State shall post notice of the certification on the homepage of its internet website and send notice of the certification to the Legislative Counsel.

What This Means: Key Takeaways*

You can file your California Statement of Information online or with a hard copy.

Your California LLC Statement of Information must state the following (unless there are no changes):

  • The exact name of the LLC
  • The principal office’s street address and mailing address
  • The street address and name of the agent for service of process
  • Date of organization (for domestic LLCs) or date of qualification (for foreign LLCs)
  • FEIN or EIN
  • The name, title, and address of any managers
  • The general type of business carried out by the LLC
  • Any additional information the state might need

Statement of Information Due Dates:

  • The first Statement of Information is due within 90 days of the effective date of the LLC. 
  • The Statement of Information is due every other year during the calendar month of the year of the LLC’s effective date.

*This information is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only. Please consult a lawyer for legal advice.