Last Updated: February 16, 2024, 12:06 pm by TRUiC Team

Best Hario V60 Coffee Dripper Recipes for Your Coffee Shop

Manual brew methods represent an essential addition to any coffee shop menu, making the recipes used to produce these special beverages increasingly important. This guide to the best Hario V60 Coffee Dripper recipes can help you decide which one is right for your coffee shop.

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Learn about the best Hario V60 Coffee Dripper recipes

What’s a Hario V60 Coffee Dripper?

Officially developed in 2004, the cone-shaped Hario V60 Coffee Dripper earned multiple awards for its design. That design ensures even coffee saturation and extraction by encouraging added water to flow toward the center. It also features spiral ribs to stop the filter from sticking to the inside of the dripper, promoting airflow and providing room for the coffee grounds to expand. Hario V60 Coffee Drippers come in a variety of materials, including metal, glass, ceramic, and plastic

Why Use It?

In 2010, a barista participating in the World Brewers Cup™ competition won first place using the Hario V60 Coffee Dripper. Since then, this manual brew method crept into cafes and the homes of coffee enthusiasts worldwide. While that’s not the reason to use this manual brew method, it does showcase its exceptional nature. 

So why use a Hario V60 Coffee Dripper to create manual brew beverages? Not only does it make a great cup of coffee, but it also can produce more than one if you alter your recipe to make 12, 16, or 20 ounces. Moreover, this manual brew method produces a clean, yet flavorful beverage with a hint of brightness — an especially important quality when brewing a light roast coffee. 

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Popular Hario V60 Coffee Dripper Recipes

Producing high-quality coffee starts with your chosen brew method. Yet, how you extract the coffee with a Hario V60 Coffee Dripper also impacts your ability to create a full-bodied, clean beverage that showcases your product as well as your skills to coffee connoisseurs. Read on for some general tips to follow when using a Hario V60 Coffee Dripper as well as five excellent recipes to try with your coffee.

General Recommendations

  • For consistent extraction, keep your water within your coffee line when pouring. 
  • Pour over dark spots in your coffee grounds while avoiding light spots. The darker areas indicate coffee that hasn’t extracted as much as the lighter areas. This approach will help you more evenly extract the coffee. 
  • After bringing your water to a boil, let it sit for about 45 seconds or until it’s between 200 and 205 degrees Fahrenheit — the ideal temperature for coffee extraction.
  • If you plan to create your own recipe, experiment within the coffee to water ratio of 1-to-16. 

Equipment Needed

Heart Coffee Roasters Recipe

  • Coffee: 22 grams
  • Water: 360 grams
  • Grind: None specified
  • Time: About two minutes and 20 to 30 seconds

Brewing Steps:

  1. Place a filter into your Hario V60 Coffee Dripper. Rinse the filter and discard any remaining water. 
  2. Press the tare button on your digital scale, measure out 22 grams of ground coffee, and add it to the Hario V60 Coffee Dripper. 
  3. Start your timer. 
  4. Pull water just off the boiling point and wait about 45 seconds until the water cools down to between 200 and 205 degrees Fahrenheit. 
  5. Pour 40 to 50 grams of the water into the Hario V60 Coffee Dripper in a circular motion and stir. 
  6. Wait 20 seconds. 
  7. Begin your second pour, pouring slowly until you reach 360 grams of total water as you avoid filling the brewer up above the coffee line. 
  8. Stir again to engage coffee that may cling to the side of the filter. 

The specificity of this recipe is super helpful — especially when training new hires. It’s quick brew time, which is shorter than most recipes, doesn’t detract from the coffee’s overall flavor profile. The coffee you can expect to produce with this recipe is a clear, but full-bodied cup that truly accents the traits you want to highlight in your coffee. 

Stumptown Coffee Roasters Recipe

  • Coffee: 21 grams
  • Water: 360 grams
  • Grind: The texture of kosher sea salt
  • Time: Three minutes

Brewing Steps:

  1. Place a filter into your Hario V60 Coffee Dripper. Rinse the filter and discard any remaining water.
  2. Press the tare button on your digital scale, measure out 21 grams of ground coffee, and add it to the Hario V60 Coffee Dripper. 
  3. Begin your first pour with water right off the boiling point, using just enough to cover the grounds. This pour should take about 15 seconds. 
  4. Every 10 to 15 seconds going forward until you reach 360 grams of water pour in a circular motion while avoiding light spots and pouring on dark ones. 
  5. Set your timer and let the coffee drain for three minutes before removing the dripper. 

This recipe’s constant pours (every 10 to 15 seconds) help you create an evenly extracted cup of coffee every time. In a cafe environment, that consistency can prove particularly important. The recipe’s balanced ratio of coffee to water also promotes the production of a well-rounded cup of full-bodied coffee without forgoing the pure, tea-like quality consumers seek in a pour-over coffee.

Blue Bottle Coffee Recipe

  • Coffee: 24 grams
  • Water: 390 grams
  • Grind: Medium
  • Time: Between two and three minutes

Brewing Steps:

  1. Place a filter into your Hario V60 Coffee Dripper. Rinse the filter and discard any remaining water.
  2. Press the tare button on your digital scale, measure out 24 grams of ground coffee, and add it to the Hario V60 Coffee Dripper. 
  3. Start your timer. 
  4. Wet the coffee grounds with about 50 grams of water and let the mixture bloom for 20 to 30 seconds. 
  5. Begin your second pour. Be sure to avoid the sides of the filter as well as filling the brewer up above the coffee line. Continue pouring until the water weight reaches 390 grams. 

This recipe does a good job of removing acidity from the coffee, giving it a smooth mouthfeel and a flavorful, but not too bright taste. In a cafe setting, its efficient, second addition of water in one long pour also can prove helpful to beginning baristas and during busy rush times. 

Intelligentsia Recipe

  • Coffee: 26 grams
  • Water: 415 grams
  • Grind: A sand-like texture
  • Time: Three to four minutes

Brewing Steps:

  1. Place a filter into your Hario V60 Coffee Dripper. Rinse the filter and discard any remaining water.
  2. Press the tare button on your digital scale, measure out 26 grams of ground coffee, and add it to the Hario V60 Coffee Dripper. 
  3. Start your timer. 
  4. Your first pour should include twice as much water as the coffee grounds — 52 grams. Pour the water in a clockwise motion and then allow the coffee mixture to bloom.
  5. After a minute, add more water in increments of 70 to 100 grams until you reach a total weight of 415 grams. As you pour, make sure to never expose the coffee grounds to the air. 

This recipe calls for more water than the other four recipes featured here, but uses a similar amount of coffee. While this ratio of water to coffee produces a slightly more watery beverage than the other recipes, the end result is still a delicious, light-bodied coffee with a little less flavor. 

Crema.Co Recipe

  • Coffee: 25 grams
  • Water: 375 grams
  • Grind: Medium
  • Time: Between 2.5 and three minutes

Brewing Steps:

  1. Place a filter into your Hario V60 Coffee Dripper. Rinse the filter and discard any remaining water. 
  2. Press the tare button on your digital scale, measure out 25 grams of ground coffee, and add it to the Hario V60 Coffee Dripper. 
  3. Start your timer.  
  4. Pour 75 grams of water over the coffee grounds in a circular motion and let the mixture bloom for 30 seconds. 
  5. After 30 seconds, start the second pour. Add the rest of the water in a gentle, circular motion until you reach a total water weight of 375 grams. 
  6. Let the coffee mixture drain completely. 

Tasting notes produced using this recipe resemble those of the George Horwell Coffee recipe, with its smooth mouthfeel and light acidity. Notably, this recipe also offers simplicity with a second pour that features one consistent addition of water rather than several. 

Troubleshooting Your Recipe

As you experiment with different Hario V60 Coffee Dripper recipes for your coffee shop, these tips can help you overcome some common issues:

  • Timing is everything — pouring too quickly will extract the coffee unevenly.
  • If your coffee still brews too quickly despite the use of a slow pour, consider adjusting the grind. For coffee that brews faster than the expected brew time, make the grind finer. If the issue is a slower-than-expected brew, coarsen the grind.
  • When adjusting the grind, do so in small increments.
  • The ideal water temperature for this manual brew method is 200 degrees Fahrenheit. Test your water temperature if you experience overextraction or a burnt taste. 


When you want a single cup of clean-tasting, flavorful coffee that accents the best tasting notes possible, the Hario V60 Coffee Dripper is the way to go. Any of these recipes will produce an excellent cup of coffee. Test a few recipes with your chosen coffee and be sure to ask your coffee roaster for any suggestions.

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