Last Updated: February 16, 2024, 1:56 pm by TRUiC Team

How to Create a Social Media Marketing Strategy

Creating a social media marketing strategy involves more than just posting on social platforms — it's about curating impactful engagements, cultivating a loyal community, and achieving desired business outcomes.

Through this guide, we’ll help you discover the nuances of devising a robust social media strategy, ensuring your brand's voice is heard amidst the digital chatter.

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What Is a Social Media Strategy?

A social media strategy defines how you interact on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, and TikTok. Think of it as your digital communication blueprint. It's not merely posting content but a tailored approach to convey your business narrative and achieve set objectives. 

Imagine it like this: a bakery might post cake images on Instagram, tweet baking advice, or share cookie decoration tutorials. This strategy outlines what and when to post, and it could vary—daily posts, weekly insights, seasonal promotions, or customer highlights.

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Recommended: The right tools make all the difference. Check out our Best Social Media Marketing Tools review to find the right ones for your business.

Benefits of Having a Social Media Marketing Strategy

A robust social media strategy magnifies brand visibility and positions you strongly amidst competitors. When executed well, this strategy:

  • Increase Brand Awareness: Utilizing platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter exposes your brand to vast audiences. Valuable content and influencer partnerships expand your reach, fostering brand recognition and trust.
  • Boosts Engagement: Clear strategies result in consistent, resonant content, deepening trust and making audiences feel valued. This direct interaction supports brand recall and loyalty.
  • Strengthens Community Ties: Social media nurtures brand communities. Dedicated Facebook groups or industry Twitter chats transform regular consumers into brand advocates.
  • Offers Real-time Insights: Platforms serve as data hubs, giving brands a direct look into audience opinions and preferences and shaping various business strategies.
  • Streamlines Market Research: Tools like polls provide insights once only accessible through expensive research, making audience feedback more immediate and actionable.
  • Drives Sales: "Shoppable posts" on platforms like Instagram have transformed social media into direct sales channels, seamlessly integrating product discovery with purchase.
  • Optimizes ROI: Strategic advertisements and posts on social platforms promise high returns on minimal investments. Analytics further fine-tune this approach, maximizing outcomes.
  • Supports SEO Efforts: While not a direct ranking factor, the ripple effects of social sharing, like increased traffic and potential backlinks, improve SEO rankings.
  • Elevates Customer Service: Quick, public responses to feedback on social media platforms underscore a brand's commitment, bolstering customer loyalty.
  • Manages Crises: In a world where issues amplify quickly, a proactive social strategy can help brands navigate crises and steer narratives.

Harnessing these advantages, brands can naturally leverage social media to engage audiences and increase sales

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7 Steps to Create a Social Media Strategy

A well-crafted social media strategy not only boosts your brand's visibility but also fosters genuine relationships with your audience, turning casual followers into loyal customers. 

Here's a step-by-step guide to help you lay down a framework that's both efficient and effective:

  1. Identify and Understand Your Target Audience
  2. Develop Rich and Varied Content 
  3. Choose the Right Social Media Channels
  4. Plan With a Dynamic Content Calendar
  5. Implement Metrics and KPIs to Gauge Performance
  6. Review, Refine, and Repeat
  7. Stay Updated and Embrace Innovations

1. Identify and Understand Your Target Audience

Understanding your target audience is the foundation of any successful social media marketing strategy. It's not just about knowing demographics – it’s about determining their interests, pain points, and online behaviors. 

Here's how to incorporate this into your social media marketing strategy:

Analyze Current Followers

Start by examining the demographics of your current social media followers. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram provide Insights that can give you details about the age, gender, location, and more of your audience.

Conduct Surveys

Use tools like Google Forms or SurveyMonkey to create and distribute surveys to your audience. This can provide insights into their interests, content preferences, and purchasing behaviors.

Engage in Social Listening

Use tools like Mention, Brandwatch, or Hootsuite to monitor brand mentions and discussions. This can offer a glimpse into the conversations your target audience is having and the topics they care about.

Create Customer Personas

Based on your findings, develop detailed customer personas. These are fictional, generalized representations of your ideal customers. They should include details like age, occupation, interests, challenges, and online habits.

Competitor Analysis

Check out the social media profiles of your competitors. Who are they targeting? What kind of content do they post? This can give you insights into potential gaps in your own strategy or areas where you can differentiate yourself.

Test and Refine

As you start to target your identified audience, regularly review the engagement metrics. Are your posts resonating? Are you attracting the right followers? Use this data to refine your strategy and content.

Engage Directly With Your Audience

Don't be afraid to ask questions or start discussions on your social platforms. Direct feedback and interactions can be invaluable for understanding your audience's evolving preferences and needs.

Stay Updated

Remember that audience behaviors and preferences can change over time. Regularly revisit your audience analysis to ensure you're staying relevant.

By truly understanding your target audience, you can tailor your content and social media strategies to resonate deeply, fostering stronger connections and achieving better engagement.

Learn how to generate leads through social media and target the right audience effectively.

2. Develop Rich and Varied Content

Standing out and making a lasting impression on social media demands not only content quantity but, more crucially, content quality. 

By developing a diverse content strategy, you can captivate your target audience in various ways, ensuring that your brand remains top-of-mind. 

Here's a more in-depth look at the content side of your social media marketing strategy:

Content Types

Diversify your content by integrating various formats:

  • Images: Use high-quality and original photos or graphics.
  • Videos: Incorporate tutorials, behind-the-scenes clips, product showcases, or customer testimonials.
  • Infographics: Simplify complex data or concepts.
  • User-Generated Content (UGC): Showcase content created by your followers or customers.
  • Polls and Quizzes: Engage your audience by seeking their opinions or testing their knowledge.
  • Blog Posts & Articles: Share deeper insights or updates about your industry, products, or services.

Content Themes

Rotate between different themes or topics. For instance, Motivational Mondays, Behind-the-Scenes Tuesdays, and Throwback Thursdays.


Stay updated with current events and trends. Create content that aligns with popular culture, ensuring it's relevant and relatable.

Value-Driven Content

Prioritize content that offers genuine value, be it through educating, problem-solving, entertaining, or inspiring your audience.


While it's important to be varied, maintaining a consistent brand voice and aesthetic ensures that your brand is recognizable across all content.

Platform-Specific Optimizations

Different platforms cater to different demographics and have varied content preferences. 

Tailor your content according to the platform's unique audience and format. For instance, what works on Instagram might need a tweak for LinkedIn.

Optimized Posting Schedules

Understanding the best time to post on social media can optimize your content's reach.

Utilize tools like Buffer, Sprout Social, or the native analytics of the platform to understand when your audience is most active. 

Performance Reviews

Regularly review your content's performance metrics. What's working? What's not? Adapt your strategy based on these insights.

By offering a rich blend of content types and themes, you not only sustain audience interest but also foster deeper connections, establishing your brand as a reliable and diverse source of information and entertainment on social media.

3. Choose the Right Social Media Channels

Every social channel has its unique audience and vibe. Select those that best mirror your brand and your target demographic's preferences. This will enhance your social media marketing efforts and social media targets.

As you establish your social media accounts, it's vital to recognize the potential of each social media platform. 

If you're a small business, discover what you can achieve with social media and how certain social media campaigns can drive results.

Here's how you can make informed decisions:

Understand Most Social Media Platforms and Their Demographics:

  • Facebook: Known for a diverse user base, popular across various age groups.
  • Instagram: Favored by young adults, especially those 18-34.
  • LinkedIn: Primarily used for B2B and professional networking.
  • Twitter: Offers real-time updates and news-centric content.
  • Pinterest: Boasts mainly female users, ideal for lifestyle and fashion.
  • TikTok: Popular with Gen Z for short videos.

Align With Your Brand's Vibe 

Choose platforms matching your brand's voice and aesthetic. A fashion brand might prioritize Instagram, while a tech startup looks to LinkedIn.

Consider Your Content Type 

Align your social media content calendar with platforms best suited for the content type. Instagram is ideal for photos, while LinkedIn excels with professional updates.

Evaluate Your Resources 

Running a successful social media campaign needs resources. Understand how many social media networks your business can manage effectively without diluting efforts.

Review and Adapt 

Social media metrics help gauge success. Given the ever-evolving nature of most social media platforms, adapt based on new trends, features, or target demographic shifts.

Discover What's Possible for Small Businesses 

For small businesses, social media can be transformative. It allows for reaching extensive audiences without a vast budget. Dive into case studies and best practices tailored to small businesses for maximum impact.

What’s more, you need to ensure your brand's voice remains consistent by adhering to a social media style guide and adjusting accordingly.

4. Plan With a Dynamic Content Calendar

Plan around major events and trends using a social media content calendar, but stay nimble to adapt to the unexpected or tackle challenges like managing social media trolls and navigating social media crises.

Be Predictable

Start by planning your content around fixed events and dates that you're already aware of:

  • Holidays and Seasons: This includes major observances like Christmas as well as fun, lesser-known holidays like National Donut Day.
  • Company Milestones: This includes anniversaries, product launches, or major updates.
  • Industry Events: This includes conferences, webinars, or trade shows that are relevant to your business.

Keep Up With Trends

Trends can emerge overnight and fade just as quickly. Look out for:

  • Newsjacking: When appropriate, tie your content to current events or hot topics for increased relevance.
  • Platform-Specific Trends: Challenges on TikTok, Twitter threads on trending subjects, or Instagram’s latest feature.

Use Spontaneity

While planning is essential, social media thrives on spontaneity, such as:

  • User Interactions: If a user mentions your brand in an exciting or unique way, be prepared to engage or reshare.
  • Real-Time Reactions: Join in on fun, unexpected moments, whether it's a viral meme or a significant sports event.

Be Ready for Challenges

Every brand on social media will face its fair share of challenges. Be proactive in your preparations:

  • Managing Social Media “Trolls”: Develop a policy on when and how to respond.
  • Navigating Social Media Crises: Have a crisis communication plan in place. Know who needs to be involved, the channels to communicate through, and the tone and message you want to convey.

Use Tools to Stay Organized

Leverage social media management tools:

  • Calendar Apps: Tools like Trello, Asana, or CoSchedule can help organize your content schedule.
  • Scheduling Tools: Buffer, Hootsuite, or Sprout Social can auto-post content at your designated times, ensuring consistency.

By combining structure with flexibility, a dynamic content calendar ensures you're always ahead of the curve, ready to engage your audience in meaningful ways.

5. Implement Metrics and KPIs to Gauge Performance

Beyond likes and shares, focusing on key performance indicators (KPIs) such as engagement rates and conversion metrics. Delve deeper into the nuances of cross-posting to maximize your KPIs. 

These crucial metrics reveal the effectiveness of your strategy, highlighting areas of success and needed adjustments.

Here’s a breakdown to help you focus on the most pivotal KPIs and metrics:

UnderstandCore KPIs

It’s not just about vanity metrics. Dive deeper to gauge the success of your campaigns:

  • Engagement Rate: This goes beyond just likes and shares. How many people are commenting, sharing, and truly interacting with your content?
  • Conversion Metrics: Are your followers taking the actions you want them to, be it signing up, purchasing, or any other key action?
  • Reach and Impressions: How many people are actually seeing your content? And how often?
  • Click-Through Rate (CTR): This metric reveals how many people clicked on your content, directing them to your website or a targeted landing page.

Utilize Cross-Posting

Maximize your reach and engagement by leveraging multiple platforms:

  • Adapt to Each Platform: When cross-posting, ensure that your content is tailored to the unique characteristics and audiences of each platform.
  • Analyze Performance: A post might perform differently across various platforms. Understand why and adjust accordingly.
  • Synchronized Messaging: Ensure that your brand message remains consistent, even if the format changes across platforms.

Advanced Metrics to Consider

There are more nuanced metrics that can provide invaluable insights:

  • Audience Growth Rate: How rapidly is your follower count increasing? Is it organic or fueled by paid campaigns?
  • Bounce Rate: For the traffic directed to your website, how many are sticking around versus leaving immediately?
  • Cost-per-Click (CPC) and Cost-per-Conversation: If you’re running paid campaigns, these metrics gauge the efficiency of your spending.

Use Insights to Your Advantage

With the data you gather, you can:

  • Highlight Successes: Recognize what's working and why, and double down on those strategies.
  • Identify Weak Spots: Where can improvements be made? Adjust your strategy based on these insights.

KPIs and metrics serve as the guidepost for your social media goals, ensuring you’re headed in the right direction and achieving your desired impact.

6. Review, Refine, and Repeat

To ensure your social media strategy remains relevant and effective, it's vital to cultivate a mindset of continuous improvement. Here's a detailed guide on how to go about it:

Continuous Performance Evaluation

In the fast-paced world of social media, regular check-ins on your strategy's performance are crucial:

  • Monthly Check-Ins: Assess your key metrics monthly to understand short-term trends and adjust strategies.
  • Quarterly Deep Dives: Every three months, delve deeper into the data to identify long-term patterns and areas of improvement.
  • Yearly Strategy Overhaul: Once a year, take a comprehensive look at your strategy, considering any major shifts in platform algorithms, audience behaviors, or global trends.

Learning from Successes and Failures

Both victories and setbacks offer valuable insights:

  • Celebrate the Wins: Acknowledge and understand the elements that contributed to your most successful posts or campaigns.
  • Analyze the Lessons: When a post or campaign doesn't perform as expected, investigate the reasons. Was it the content, timing, or perhaps the platform?

Adherence to a Social Media Style Guide

Maintaining a consistent brand voice is paramount:

  • Define Your Brand Voice: Is it formal, casual, witty, or inspiring? Whatever it is, make sure it’s consistent across posts.
  • Visual Consistency: From colors to fonts, ensure that your visual content aligns with your brand's identity.
  • Response Protocols: Detail how to respond to positive feedback, criticism, or any PR crises, ensuring consistency in engagement.

Adaptive Strategy

As the digital landscape evolves, so should your strategy:

  • New Platform Exploration: Always be on the lookout for emerging platforms or tools that might resonate with your target audience.
  • Feedback Incorporation: Regularly solicit feedback from your audience and stakeholders, and be willing to adapt based on their insights.

Through regular review, refinement, and repetition of this process, you ensure that your social media strategy remains relevant, resonant, and results-driven, all while staying true to your brand's unique voice.

7. Stay Updated and Embrace Innovations

Staying up to date with the latest developments and innovations in the digital sphere is important for ensuring the ongoing effectiveness and relevance of your social media strategy. Some steps to consider include:

Commit to Continuous Learning

In an industry that's constantly evolving, continuous learning isn't just beneficial—it's essential:

  • Online Courses: Platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and LinkedIn Learning offer courses on the latest social media trends and strategies.
  • Webinars & Workshops: Join webinars and workshops hosted by industry experts to get insights into the latest tools and techniques.

Explore New Tools & Platforms

As technology progresses, so do the tools and platforms available to marketers:

  • Tool Trials: Regularly try out new social media management and analytics tools that emerge in the market.
  • Emerging Platforms: Platforms like TikTok once started as novelties but quickly became marketing powerhouses. Always be open to exploring where the next big platform might come from.

Engage in Social Selling

With the rise of ecommerce integrations on platforms like Instagram and Pinterest, social selling has become a crucial strategy:

  • Platform-specific Shops: Establish and maintain shops on platforms where your audience hangs out.
  • User Reviews & Testimonials: Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews or share their experiences, amplifying trust.

Optimize Visual Content

The aesthetic appeal of your posts can dramatically influence engagement:

  • Stay Updated on Image Sizes: Platforms often tweak their optimal image sizes. Use tools or regularly updated guides to ensure your visuals are displayed perfectly.
  • Experiment with Formats: From GIFs to 360-degree photos, always be open to experimenting with new visual content formats.

Join Industry Forums & Groups

Being part of industry-specific communities can provide valuable insights:

  • Forums: Websites like GrowthHackers or niche-specific forums can be goldmines of knowledge.
  • Social Media Groups: Join groups on platforms like LinkedIn or Facebook where professionals discuss the latest trends and best practices.

By maintaining a proactive approach to learning and embracing new innovations like engaging in social selling, you ensure that your social media strategy remains effective.

Marketing Strategy vs. Content Strategy

A marketing strategy and a content strategy are essential for any business aiming for success. While these terms are often used interchangeably, they are not synonymous. 

Understanding the distinction between the two can greatly enhance a business's ability to reach its goals. 

Here are their differences and the significance of each:

Marketing Strategy

A marketing strategy is a comprehensive plan formulated to achieve specific business objectives and goals. 

It's an overarching roadmap detailing how a company will use its resources to acquire new customers, retain existing ones, and boost sales or brand awareness.

Key Components:

  • Target Audience: Who does the business aim to reach?
  • Value Proposition: What sets the business apart from competitors?
  • Distribution Channels: Where will the business promote or sell its products or services (e.g., social media, PPC, email, in-store)?
  • KPIs (Key Performance Indicators): What metrics will be used to measure the success of the strategy?
  • Budget: What is the allocation of financial resources across different channels or initiatives?

A well-defined marketing strategy ensures that every effort, be it advertising, PR, or online campaigns, is aligned with the company's objectives. It provides direction, fosters consistent messaging, and allows for measurement of ROI (Return on Investment).

Content Strategy

A content strategy outlines the planning, development, delivery, and management of content (written, visual, video, etc.) that is both meaningful and engaging to its intended audience. 

It's more specific than a marketing strategy and zeroes in on how content will be used to meet business goals.

Key Components:

  • Content Audit: Evaluating current content to determine what's effective and what needs updating or removal.
  • Content Types: Identifying which formats (e.g., blogs, videos, infographics) are best suited for the audience and the message.
  • Content Calendar: A schedule that dictates when and where content will be published.
  • Tone and Voice: The style or personality that the content should embody.
  • Distribution: How and where the content will be shared, often overlapping with marketing channels.
  • Engagement Metrics: Tools or methods for measuring how audiences interact with the content.

Content is the primary way businesses communicate with their audiences online. A well-crafted content strategy ensures that this communication is effective, cohesive, and aligned with the brand's values. 

It helps businesses engage with their audience, establish authority, and drive specific user actions.

How to Do a Social Media Audit

A social media audit is a comprehensive review of your brand's presence across various social media platforms.

Performing regular audits of your social accounts ensures brand consistency, which should be part of your social media marketing strategy.

Audits ensure that your strategy aligns with your goals and identifies areas for improvement. 

Here's how to conduct one:

1. List All Your Social Media Accounts

Start by documenting every social media account associated with your brand, even those that are no longer active. This ensures no account is overlooked.

2. Check Platform Consistency

Examine your usernames, profile images, and descriptions. They should be consistent across platforms, reinforcing brand recognition.

3. Review Your Profiles

Ensure that all account details, like bio, contact information, and URLs, are current and optimized.

4. Analyze Engagement Metrics

Delve into metrics like shares, likes, comments, and overall engagement rate. This provides insights into what content resonates most with your audience.

5. Evaluate Content Strategy

Review the types of content you post. Is there a variety of visuals, articles, and interactive content? Does it align with your brand's voice?

6. Track Follower Growth

Look at the growth rate of your followers. A stagnant or declining number might indicate the need for a revised strategy.

7. Examine Posting Frequency

Check if you're posting too often or too infrequently. Adjust based on audience engagement and platform best practices.

8. Review Platform Relevance

Not all platforms serve every brand equally. If you're investing heavily in a platform with little return, it might be time to refocus your efforts.

9. Monitor Response Time

Examine how quickly and effectively you respond to comments, inquiries, and feedback. Swift responses enhance brand reputation.

10. Gather Feedback

Consider soliciting feedback directly from your audience about what they'd like to see or any improvements they suggest.

Concluding your audit, compile your findings into a report. This document will serve as a baseline for your future strategies, ensuring that your social media efforts are always advancing and adapting.


Define objectives, understand your audience, plan content, allocate resources, actively engage, and routinely analyze to refine your approach.

For every social network, create 50% curated content, 30% original non-promotional content, and 20% promotional. This aims for a balance between value and brand promotion.

For every original content piece written for your social media posts, share three from other sources. This prioritizes curated value alongside brand voice.

For social media marketing goals, the 4 C’s are:

  • Content: Quality material
  • Context: Platform-appropriate content
  • Connection: Building relationships
  • Community: Fostering audience engagement

The 3 A’s that should fit within every social media marketing plan include:

  • Activity: Consistent posting
  • Authority: Trusted brand voice
  • Authenticity: Genuine brand interactions