NAICS Code for LLC
Some states require a North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code to form an LLC. Having one means being eligible to receive grants and government purchase contracts.
Our NAICS Code for LLC guide will explain what a NAICS code is and how to get a NAICS code for your LLC.
Try our NAICS Code Lookup tool to quickly find the code for your industry.
LLC NAICS Code Lookup
Save time. Search for your company's primary business activity NAICS code using the LLC NAICS Code Lookup tool below:
Reasons for Knowing Your Company's NAICS Code
It's important to know your company's North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code. Here are a few reasons why you should do a NAICS lookup:
1. Classify Businesses
Your NAICS code is used to classify your business for statistical purposes.
2. Find Customers and Suppliers
Knowing your NAICS code can help you find potential customers and suppliers that are in the same or similar industries.
3. Obtain Government Contracts
Many government agencies use NAICS codes when awarding contracts, so it's important to know what code applies to your business if you want to be considered for government work.
For example, after Hurricane Ian wreaked havoc along Florida's gulf coast, the federal government agency FEMA hired cleanup crews and other businesses to help with the aftermath. Small businesses (SBA-Certified) self-assigned NAICS numbers to help them win these small business contracts.
4. Lower Insurance Rates
Some insurance companies use NAICS codes to determine premiums, so it's worth checking with your insurer to see if they consider your industry classification when setting rates.
5. Market Research
Your LLC's NAICS code can help you target the right market. For example, your NAICS code can help you narrow down your target market by identifying the industries that are most likely to be interested in your products or services. This can help you quickly grow your LLC's annual sales.
NAICS can also help you identify market trends. For example, you can use it to track how different industries are growing or shrinking, and what kinds of changes they’re experiencing.
6. Qualify for SBA Loans, Grants, and Other Assistance
The Small Business Administration (SBA) uses the NAICS system to determine whether or not businesses meet the size requirements for receiving SBA loans.
The NAICS association in 2022 updated to include 111 new industries by reclassifying, combining, or splitting 156 NAICS 2017 industries, creating multiple codes for an industry or sector. Keeping up with your NAICS number classification can help determine eligibility for SBA loans.
7. Understand Your Industry
NAICS classifies businesses by industry. This system creates a terminology that all businesses can use to compare themselves in their area of expertise. By knowing what codes apply to your business, you will get a better sense of the industry as a whole.
This is a type of knowledge that can demonstrate the broad nature of the business you're in helping you identify business opportunities. Searching for data on your LLC is as simple as understanding what NAICS codes apply to your company and then doing a search for companies with the same codes.
If you're asking yourself, "How do I find my NAICS code?" it is as simple as using our LLC NAICS search tool above.
What Are NAICS Codes?
A NAICS code is a six-digit coding system. These codes group businesses into sectors, subsectors, and industries.
NAICS stands for North American Industry Classification System, which is used to classify businesses and companies within the United States, Canada, and Mexico in order to help monitor and analyze economic activity.
Read out What Is a NAICS Code guide to learn more.
Do I Need a NAICS Code?
Not every state requires a NAICS code for forming an LLC. It is important to know if your state requires one, or you may be unable to continue with formation.
States that require a NAICS code for formation include:
How Do You Use NAICS Codes?
NAICS codes can help you determine if your business is eligible for receiving certain government grants and government contracts as well as certification from the Small Business Administration.
These codes also help better your chance of obtaining loans from commercial lenders who make industry comparisons to determine and identify the best small businesses for their loans.
How Does the Government Use NAICS codes?
The government uses NAICS codes for several regulatory and management purposes. This classification scheme is used to identify subcategories to properly determine which businesses qualify for a small business loan through the SBA.
Other purposes include the following:
- Federal and state governments use codes from businesses in all industries, including public administration, to ensure compliance on various levels, including administrative, contracting, and taxes.
- NAICS codes help the government to properly collect, organize, and analyze information on various industries and also help in publishing statistical data related to the economy.
How Do I Get My NAICS Code?
It is easy to get a NAICS code that matches your business type. The following instructions will help you find your NAICS code quickly so you can have it when setting up your LLC:
Visit the NAICS Code Lookup site.
In the “NAICS Search” bar, search for your desired industry (e.g., restaurant, plumbing, etc.)
Select the NAICS title that best describes your business’s activity to learn more about that particular code
Note: In a case where multiple activities are conducted by your business, you can select a secondary NAICS code, as more than one code can be selected by a single business.
If you still need help finding your specific code, you can call the US Census Bureau toll-free number at 1-888-756-2427 for assistance.
Frequently Asked Questions
Am I given a NAICS code?
No. NAICS codes are self-assigned by the business itself. You can contact the US Census Bureau to get help finding your code or use our NAICS code lookup tool.
How do I select my NAICS code?
You can use the NAICS Code Lookup tool to help find the right NAICS code to fit your business’s activities.
To see an example of the NAICS codes being used by a particular type of company/industry, check out the US Company Lookup Tool.
Where do I find my NAICS code?
To find your NAICS code, use our NAICS search tool or visit the US Census Bureau website and search for the NAICS title closest to your business. Alternatively, you can contact the US Census Bureau at 1-888-756-2427 for assistance.
Can I have more than one NAICS code?
Yes. While most businesses only have one primary NAICS code, you can select more than one code if you have multiple business activities or product lines for your company. You can research NAICS codes using our NAICS Code finder.
Do you have to register with the NAICS Association?
No, you can find a NAICS code without registering with the NAICS Association. The choice to register with the NAICS Association is completely optional.
Can I have a NAICS code even though I have a SIC code?
Yes. Having a NAICS code does not affect any SIC codes you may have, and both codes can be held at the same time.
What is the NAICS code meaning?
It is possible to see the codes in several forms, from two digits all the way to six digits.
The first two digits of a NAICS code represent the economic sector of your business, the third digit identifies its subsector, the fourth digit designates the business’s industry group, and the fifth and sixth digits designate the NAICS industry and the national industry, respectively.
For example, a real estate broker’s NAICS code is 531210, or “Offices of Real Estate Agents and Brokers.”
Is there a NAICS code for non-profit organizations?
Yes, every non-profit organization has a NAICS code. You can find a non-profit NAICS code by performing a NAICS code lookup.
What is a SIC Code?
Understanding what a Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code is and how it is used is essential for businesses. A SIC code is a four-digit numerical code for your business assigned to companies that identify their primary line of business activity. This classification system was developed by the United States government in 1937 and has been updated several times since then.
Before you click submit when sending information to the IRS and some local agencies, certain forms require you to enter your company’s SIC number. Additionally, many third-party organizations outside the federal marketplace that fall within certain industries, such as banks, a coffee shop, or investors may also ask you for this information when they are evaluating your business operations or performance. If you need help locating or understanding your company’s SIC number, there are online resources available that can provide assistance. These include government websites like the Census Bureau's website.