Last Updated: February 16, 2024, 4:00 pm by TRUiC Team

2024’s TikTok Analytics Guide

TikTok analytics provide a key tool for businesses looking to understand their audience, assess their video content’s performance, and monitor their progress toward set objectives as part of a comprehensive TikTok marketing strategy

This guide to TikTok analytics offers a detailed look at the platform’s interface and the interpretation of essential metrics. It also provides approaches to help you refine your content, connect with your target audience, and enhance your overall social media strategy.

Recommended: Arrow.AI writes, brands, and posts your social media content automatically for $9 per month.

Woman looking at the TikTok analytics guide.

TikTok Analytics for Small Businesses

As a feature provided within the TikTok platform, TikTok analytics offer insights about the performance of your content and profile. This includes data on your viewers, the performance of your posts, and engagement metrics. 

Understanding TikTok analytics is vital for optimizing your content strategy on this platform.

Why Are TikTok Analytics Important?

Analytics on TikTok are essential because they help creators, businesses, and marketers gauge the performance of their content. 

By analyzing trends, engagement rates, and audience demographics, businesses can tailor their strategies to maximize reach, grow their audience, and achieve their marketing objectives.

How to Access TikTok Analytics

Accessing TikTok analytics requires a Pro Account. Here's how to upgrade your account and start using analytics:

  1. Open the TikTok app and go to your profile.
  2. Tap the “three lines” icon in the upper-right corner to access the settings and privacy menu.
  3. Select “Manage account” and tap on “Switch to Pro Account.”
  4. Choose the category that best fits your account and follow the on-screen instructions.
  5. Once complete, return to your profile and tap on the “three lines” icon again.
  6. Select “Creator tools” and then tap on “Analytics.”


Let's say you run a small bakery and you just started a TikTok account to promote your business. After posting regularly for a month, you decide to switch to a Pro Account to understand your audience better. To do this, you’d:

  1. Open the TikTok app, navigate to your profile, and then tap on the “Settings” menu.
  2. Switch to a Pro Account, selecting “Business” from the category options.
  3. Return to the “Settings” menu and tap on “Creator tools.”
  4. Tap on “Analytics” under “Creator tools” to see your account's data.


  • Check your analytics regularly. This can help you spot trends as well as determine the best times to post and what type of content resonates with your target audience.
  • Engage with the content your audience prefers. Use analytics to see which videos have a higher engagement rate, and then create more content like that.
  • Monitor the “Followers” tab. This’ll help you understand your audience demographics, which can be very useful for targeted advertising or content creation.
  • Compare data over time. Data is most useful when compared over time so track your analytics over weeks and months, not just day to day.

Tools and Resources for TikTok Analytics

Leveraging TikTok analytics effectively requires the use of a suite of specialized tools. The resources below, while designed for broader social media marketing, have features that can enhance the analytics experience for TikTok content creators.

These tools support a range of functions — from comprehensive management of a social media strategy to the distribution of content and leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) for deep analytical insights. They represent a valuable component in a marketer's toolkit.

Check out our expert reviews of top social media analytics tools, offering insights into user engagement and content performance across platforms:

While these tools aren’t TikTok-specific, they offer a holistic view of social media interactions and strategies. This broader perspective is critical for TikTok content creators who aim to refine their strategies and elevate their presence on the platform.

Key TikTok Analytics Metrics

Understanding the array of metrics available in TikTok analytics is crucial for evaluating the success of your content and fine-tuning your strategy. These metrics fall into three broad categories: video metrics, account metrics, and audience metrics.

Video Metrics

Video metrics provide data on the performance of individual videos. Key video metrics include:

  • Views: This is the number of times users watch your video.
  • Likes: This is how many times viewers have liked a video, indicating its popularity.
  • Comments: This is the number of comments on your video, which can signal engagement.
  • Shares: This is how often viewers share your video, which helps increase reach.
  • Watch Time: This is the total amount of time viewers spend watching your video.
  • Average View Time: This is the average amount of time viewers watch your video per play, indicating how engaging they deem your video.
  • Completion Rate: This is the percentage of times users watch your video from beginning to end, which can influence the TikTok algorithm.
  • Traffic Sources: This shows where your video views come from, which includes the “For You” page, following a feed, or external sources.

Account Metrics

Account metrics offer insights into the overall performance of your TikTok profile, including its:

  • Followers: This is the total number of users who follow your account, indicating your audience size.
  • Profile Views: This is the number of times your TikTok profile has been viewed.
  • Video Views: This is the total number of views across all of your videos during a specific time period.
  • Engagement Rate: This is a measure of engagement calculated by the total number of interactions (e.g., likes, comments, and shares) divided by the number of views.
  • Follower Growth Rate: This is how quickly you're gaining new followers during a certain time period.

Audience Metrics

Audience metrics help you understand who your audience is and how they interact with your content. The key metrics in this category include:

  • Demographics: This is information about the age, gender, location, and interests of your audience, which can help you tailor your content to the right group.
  • Device Type: This is the type of device (e.g., a phone or tablet) the audience uses to watch your videos, which could influence the format and quality of your content.
  • Engagement Behavior: This is how your audience interacts with your content, including which videos they like, comment on, share, and watch through to the end.

These metrics collectively provide a comprehensive picture of your TikTok account's health. Together, they can guide you in making informed decisions about your content and engagement strategies.

How to Use TikTok Analytics to Improve Your Content Strategy

Leveraging TikTok analytics effectively can enhance your content strategy significantly. By diving into the data, you can make informed decisions to refine your approach. 

Follow the steps below to use this powerful tool to your advantage.

Identifying Your Top-Performing Videos and Content Formats

Determining which pieces of content resonate the most with your target audience requires you to take these steps:

  1. Review the “Content” tab in TikTok analytics to see performance statistics for each video.
  2. Analyze the metrics (e.g., views, likes, comments, shares, and average watch time) to determine which videos perform best.
  3. Determine the content formats of your top videos — whether they’re tutorials, challenges, or product showcases.

Understanding Your Audience's Interests and Engagement Behavior

Follow these simple steps to better understand your TikTok audience:

  1. Monitor the “Followers” tab to learn about your audience’s demographics and peak activity times.
  2. Examine the comments and shared content to gauge what aspects or topics resonate most with your viewers.
  3. Look at the “Likes” and “Shares” metrics to see what kind of content your target audience finds most engaging.

Tracking Trends and Identifying New Opportunities

Here are three steps to help you spot trends and opportunities within TikTok analytics:

  1. Keep an eye on the “Discovery” tab to understand how users find your content and see what’s trending.
  2. Observe which hashtags appear in your most-viewed videos to spot trending topics or challenges in which you can participate.
  3. Use this information to create content that aligns with current trends while still remaining relevant to your brand.

Optimizing Your Video Titles, Descriptions, and Hashtags

Here’s how to enhance your content’s discoverability:

  1. Test different types of titles and descriptions to see which leads to better engagement and higher visibility.
  2. Use relevant and trending hashtags to increase the chances of users discovering your content.
  3. Make sure your titles and descriptions are clear, concise, and contain keywords relevant to your content and target audience.

Experimenting with Different Posting Times and Frequencies

Take these steps to identify the optimal post timing and cadence:

  1. Analyze the data in the “Followers” tab to find out when your audience is most active on TikTok.
  2. Test posting at different times of the day and week to see when you get the most engagement.
  3. Adjust your posting schedule based on the results to maximize your content’s reach and engagement.


Imagine you own a fashion boutique and use TikTok to promote the latest trends and collections. After examining your analytics, you find that:

  • How-to-style videos get twice the average view time than other formats.
  • Your audience engages most with casual wear vs. formal attire.
  • Posting at 7 p.m. on weekdays drives the most engagement.

Based on these insights, you decide to focus more on creating casual wear styling tutorials and scheduling them to go live at 7 p.m. on weekdays.


  • Be consistent. Regularly monitor your TikTok analytics so you can adjust your content strategy in real time, as needed.
  • Stay flexible. Be willing to change your content strategy based on what the data tells you about your target audience’s preferences.
  • Keep testing. Try different content types, posting times, and frequencies to understand what works best for your brand and target audience.
  • Engage with your audience. Respond to comments and participate in trends because these activities can provide organic feedback that analytics might not capture.
  • Maintain a strong content mix. Balance trending content with evergreen content that consistently performs well to maintain a solid content foundation.

How to Use TikTok Analytics to Measure the Success of Your Marketing Campaigns

TikTok analytics can be an indispensable tool in measuring the success and return on investment (ROI) of your TikTok marketing campaigns. By focusing on specific metrics, you can discern which aspects of your marketing strategy are working and which need adjustment.

Tracking the Performance of Your TikTok Ads and Influencer Marketing Campaigns

Follow these steps to see how well your ads and campaigns perform on the platform:

  1. Use the “Campaign” tab in TikTok's Ads Manager to monitor the performance of your paid ads, including impressions, clicks, and conversion rates.
  2. Set up unique hashtags or promo codes for influencer campaigns to track engagement and conversions generated through each influencer’s content.
  3. Analyze multiple engagement metrics (e.g., likes, shares, comments, and the number of videos created using your branded hashtag) to gauge a campaign's reach.

Measuring the ROI of Your TikTok Marketing Efforts

Determining your ROI involves three key steps:

  1. Calculate the total spend on your TikTok marketing campaigns, including ad spend, influencer fees, and content production costs.
  2. Track conversions by setting up the TikTok Pixel on your website to see how many users take the desired actions after interacting with your TikTok ads or content.
  3. Evaluate the cost per result for different campaigns to determine the efficiency and ROI of your total spend.

Identifying Which Campaigns Are Most Effective at Driving Traffic, Engagement, and Conversions

Evaluating your campaigns’ effectiveness requires you to:

  1. Compare the performance metrics across different campaigns to identify which ones yield the highest engagement rates, traffic, and conversions.
  2. Monitor the ”Top Content” and “Trending Videos” screens within TikTok analytics to see if any of your campaign-related content gains traction organically.
  3. Use link tracking for URLs shared on TikTok to determine how much traffic gets directed to your website or landing pages from the platform.


Suppose you launch a TikTok campaign for a new line of eco-friendly products. This involves investing in TikTok ads and partnering with influencers who promote your products using a unique hashtag.

You create a TikTok ad set and monitor the number of impressions and clicks it receives along with the conversion rate using the TikTok Pixel. Each influencer uses a promo code that not only gives a discount to customers, but also allows you to track sales from each influencer's referrals.

After a month, you analyze the data and realize one influencer’s promo code led to a significantly higher number of conversions than the others. Moreover, your TikTok ads had a conversion rate of 3%.

Based on these insights, you conclude that the influencer with the highest conversions is a good match for your brand, and you should consider the ad content they featured for future campaigns. You also see that your TikTok ads are performing well when compared to industry benchmarks.


  • Define clear key performance indicators (KPIs) for each campaign before it begins. Knowing what success looks like for you (e.g., conversions, engagement, and/or reach) will help you tailor your analysis.
  • Segment your data to differentiate between organic and paid campaign performance. This’ll help you understand the true impact of your paid efforts.
  • Conduct regular reviews and make adjustments. Refine your campaigns in response to real-time analytics to improve their performance.
  • Leverage “A/B” testing. This’ll help you determine which creative elements work best in your ads with your target audience.
  • Stay updated with TikTok's ad guidelines and best practices. This’ll ensure your content aligns with what's currently favored by the platform's algorithm.

How to Use TikTok Analytics to Learn More About Your TikTok Audience

A deep understanding of your target audience on TikTok can help you tailor your content and marketing strategies to meet their preferences and behaviors. Follow the steps below to get to know your audience better with TikTok Analytics.

Understanding Your Audience's Demographics, Interests, and Engagement Behavior

Take these three steps to get started:

  1. Navigate to the “Followers” tab in TikTok analytics to access demographic information, such as age, gender, and location.
  2. Assess the “Interests” section to see what other types of content your followers engage with outside of your profile.
  3. Review the times and days when your followers are most active on TikTok, which can guide you on the best times to post.

Identifying Your Most Engaged Followers

These steps will help you learn who engages with your content the most:

  1. Observe which users frequently interact with your content by liking, commenting, or sharing.
  2. Note the followers who regularly participate in your hashtag challenges or branded campaigns.
  3. Consider reaching out to these engaged followers for user-generated content or potential collaborations.

Discovering New Creators and Trends With Which to Partner

To find potential new partners, follow these steps:

  1. Explore the “For You” and “Discover” pages to identify trending creators and content that resonates with your target audience.
  2. Analyze the engagement levels on trending content to see what your target audience might expect or enjoy from your brand.
  3. Consider partnering with creators who share a similar audience demographic to extend your reach.


Imagine you're running a TikTok account for a fitness brand. By looking at the analytics, you find that:

  • A large segment of your audience is aged 18 to 24 and is most active at 9 p.m.
  • Your followers also engage with content related to healthy eating and outdoor activities.
  • A few users frequently comment on your workout videos and share them on their own profiles.

With these insights, you could:

  1. Schedule your posts around 9 p.m. when your target audience is most active.
  2. Create content that includes healthy recipes and outdoor fitness activities.
  3. Reach out to the most engaged users to feature their own workout stories or collaborate on a fitness challenge.


  • Use demographics. This’ll help you create targeted content that appeals to specific segments of your audience.
  • Regularly check for shifts in interests and behaviors. TikTok trends can change rapidly so you need to keep pace with your audience’s evolving nature.
  • Engage directly with followers who frequently interact with your content. This can help you foster both community and loyalty.
  • Stay open to partnering with new creators. This can help keep your content fresh and enable you to access new audience segments.

2024 TikTok Analytics Strategies

Use the following TikTok analytics strategies to better market your business on the platform. These advanced strategies can help you level the playing field when advertising on TikTok.

Advanced TikTok Analytics Tips

Beyond the basic metrics, TikTok analytics offer a deep dive into user behavior and content performance. Here are some advanced tips to help you make the most of the platform's analytics:

  • Leverage a cohort analysis. Study how specific groups of users interact with your content over time to understand long-term engagement trends.
  • Monitor virality metrics. Keep an eye on the ratio of shares to views to assess the potential virality of your content.
  • Analyze sound and music trends. Use the built-in analytics to see which sounds lead to higher engagement and consider incorporating them into your content.


A technology gadget brand used advanced analytics to determine that tutorial videos with a certain trending sound posted on Tuesdays had the highest share-to-view ratio. It then capitalized on this by scheduling more tutorials with trending sounds on Tuesdays, which boosted its content's virality.


  • Dive into the demographics and behavior analytics. This data can help you refine your content to better suit your target audience's preferences.
  • Regularly check which sounds your audience prefers. Knowing what they like listening to will enable you to incorporate those sounds creatively into your content.
  • Pay attention to when your audience is most active. Experiment with posting at different times to maximize engagement.

How to Use TikTok Analytics to Analyze Your Competitors

Understanding your competitors on TikTok can provide insights that can help sharpen your content strategy. Specifically, you should:

  1. Track hashtag performance. Look for hashtags used by your competitors and check their popularity and engagement levels.
  2. Study audience overlap. Identify if there's an audience overlap by using TikTok's “Similar Accounts” feature. This’ll help you understand what content works for that shared audience.
  3. Benchmark engagement. Compare your engagement rates (e.g., likes, comments, and shares) with those of your competitors to gauge where you stand in your niche.


A boutique clothing brand might use TikTok analytics to discover that a competitor's hashtag challenge is gaining significant traction. They can then analyze the structure of that campaign and apply similar tactics to their own strategy.


  • Keep an ongoing list of competitors. Use this list to regularly check each competitor’s content performance for benchmarking.
  • Leverage competitor analysis insights. These can inform your TikTok advertising and content creation strategy.

How to Use TikTok Analytics to Create Live Dashboards and Reports

For businesses and marketers who need to regularly report on performance metrics, creating live dashboards and reports can streamline the process. Here’s how:

  1. Use third-party tools. Integrate TikTok analytics with third-party dashboard tools like Tableau, Google Data Studio, or Domo for more sophisticated live reporting.
  2. Set up alerts. Configure alerts for significant changes in your TikTok analytics so you can stay updated in real time.
  3. Automate reports. Use TikTok’s application programming interface (API) or reporting tools to automate the extraction of data at regular intervals for up-to-date reporting.


A social media manager for a restaurant chain could set up a live dashboard that showcases key performance metrics, such as engagement rates and follower growth, to share with company stakeholders.


  • Customize your dashboard. Make sure it highlights the most important metrics for your business objectives.
  • Focus on accessibility. Ensure your live dashboards are accessible and easy to understand by stakeholders with varying levels of expertise in analytics.
  • Use live dashboards to identify real-time trends. These insights can then help you quickly adapt your content strategy in response.


A TikTok analytics tool is essential for your TikTok marketing strategy because it enables you to delve deeply into user behavior patterns, such as when users are most active, their engagement preferences, and the content types they interact with the most. By leveraging this data, businesses and creators can tailor their content strategies to better align with the interests and habits of their target audience on TikTok.

Using a variety of TikTok analytics tools can provide a more comprehensive understanding of your TikTok metrics. Different tools may offer unique features, such as more detailed hashtag analytics or the ability to compare video performance across various time frames. This multifaceted approach ensures a more robust analysis of your TikTok data, which can inform more effective TikTok marketing strategies.

The initial step in accessing analytics for TikTok accounts involves ensuring you have a Pro Account or Business Account — a requirement for analytics access. Once you upgrade to one of these account types, you can access TikTok analytics directly from your profile by tapping the “three dots” icon in the upper-right corner. Then, select “Analytics” from the ”Privacy and Settings” menu. This is where you’ll find key metrics and TikTok insights necessary for analyzing your account's performance.

TikTok live analytics provide valuable insights into live video performance, such as viewer count, engagement rate, and user interactions during the broadcast. By examining these metrics, creators can determine the optimal duration for their live videos, ensuring they keep their target audience engaged without overstaying their content's welcome.

Setting a custom date range in TikTok analytics tools enables you to track performance over specific periods, which is particularly useful for analyzing the efficacy of TikTok campaigns. This tailored analysis can help you identify trends, measure the impact of your campaigns, and make informed decisions about future marketing efforts on TikTok.

TikTok insights contribute significantly to the success of TikTok campaigns by providing data on key metrics, such as engagement rates, reach, and demographic information. These insights can help marketers understand a campaign's performance and audience behavior, allowing them to make real-time adjustments and create more targeted future campaigns.

Absolutely. Hashtag analytics on TikTok can heavily influence the strategy of social media campaigns. By examining which hashtags garner the most views, engagement, and user-generated content, marketers can optimize their use of hashtags to increase the visibility and reach of their campaigns. That may then potentially drive more user interaction and participation.